Post by Tulgey Woodre: The language
I agree that it is distracting and annoying, but I do think it is to
show the crude nature of the times. If they cursed a little it wouldn't
mean anything to us b/c we hear cursing all the time. I think it is
intended to annoy and offend us.
I'm not fuckin' offended, just fuckin' annoyed. ;-P
I know -- it's very fucking distracting. ;-D
Post by Tulgey WoodPost by Tulgey WoodEven so, the overused eff word and etc, and a bit of historical
inaccuracy are really the show's only flaws. :-)
You mean the cursing is historically inaccurate, or ??
I meant there are some extremely minor historical inaccuracies (such as,
Hickok was shot in the head, not in the back) that I'm more than happy
to pass off as artistic license. But I have wondered if the swear words
are accurate to the period. The three biggies all have English origins
and are quite old, but I wonder when they came into common usage as
vulgarities amongst the unwashed masses. I wouldn't have thought before
the 20th century, thought I could (and probably do) have it wrong.
Oddly, swearing is not beholden to the normal rules of accuracy in
Hollywood. "Updating" the dialog to some extent in order to put across
an impression is acceptable in terms of story-writing. The idea behind
that is that if we were to hear today, what were considered curse
words of *their* day, some would be meaningless to us while others are
no longer offensive or have taken on modern meanings significantly
different from the native or period-meaning. Thus character would be
misrepresented to the modern viewer (dialog *is* character) if period
dialog was used exclusively. Therefore it is acceptable in Hollywood
to use certain modern swear words (not modern slang but words that
have "a blank origin" to most viewers).
But most people don't know this so a lot of DW fans have brought this
up (b/c the show goes out of its way to be authentic). But it makes
sense once you think about it.
Last night I ran some Google searches and found this show being
discussed everywhere from alt.philosophy to rec.arts. to Dozens and dozens of different groups. It's cutting
across so many lines. Many if not most of the headings were about the
language being annoying <g> and the historical record of when Hickock
got to Deadwood and when exactly he was shot. (One day after Seth
arrived according to history I guess.) I am SO glad I didn't read
those spoilers in school. <g!> Don't tell me what happens to anyone!
Post by Tulgey WoodOccasionally I'll hear someone use a word (not necessarily a swear word)
that I *know* wasn't in use in 1876 and it pulls me right out of the
scene. For example, in episode four, I think, Al Swear-Engine said
Hmm... I don't remember him saying it, but I largely don't listen to
the swearing. Or rather it just goes right past me b/c I tune "past
it" into other details. But I wonder if they'll ratchet it back a bit
since it seems to be an annoyance factor for *everyone*... or of
they'll force fans to get used to it so that we come to accept it
within the context of this mining town and its characters and are no
longer distracted by it.
Post by Tulgey WoodPost by Tulgey WoodPost by l***@large.comBut if you appreciate a series that is put together extremely well
from the camera work to the lighting to the dialog (aside from all
the cursing which I do see as part of the setting/character), to
everything else, then give it a try.
I did. Watched all four eps in one go. Looking forward to the next.
YAY!! I couldn't believe what happened to Bill! I was shocked, even
though there was plenty of foreshadowing.
And plenty of spoilers in American history books. :-)
So I learned!
Post by Tulgey WoodThe big mystery
that remains still is why Bill didn't refuse to sit with his back to the
door. Deadwood's dramatization of Hickok as a sad, tired, old man who
believed he'd arrived at the end of things explained it very well, I
Oh yeah. If you notice he never sat with his back to the door in any
previous game. It was always against the wall. Plus he began to
provoke Jack. Intensely. I believe he knew Jack was dumb enough to
come after him -- and wanted him to. He was a man ready to die and set
himself up. He sat with his back to the door purposely. And when Jack
walked in -- did you catch the quick shot of Bill's eyes moving to the
side?...yet he didn't turn around. He knew who walked in. He knew if
he turned, Jack would be too scared to shoot him, or he would draw and
kill Jack.
He clearly wanted to die. He even made a point of saying goodbye to
everyone who mattered to him. Even Seth.
[Also, remember when he asked Alma why she felt responsible for her
husband's downfall, and she said, "I believe all wives feel partially
to blame for whatever befalls their husbands"? It was after that he
had his talk with Charile when he asked him to let him go to hell his
own way. Then he wrote his wife. He obviously made the connection and
didn't want to be an embarassment to her. And knew if he lived -- he
would be. That's how I read it anyway.]
Post by Tulgey WoodI wonder if Charlie gets back tonight.
Supposedly, he put the funeral together, so if they're sticking to the
books...he wouldn't have left Deadwood in the first place, but what the
hey? :-P
He gets back next week. Pooey. I wanted to see him last night. I
wanted everyone to get together and emote for Bill. Blubber awhile.
Damn macho westerns. <g> At least Jane shed some tears. (I laughed so
hard when she was walking to the river to get water for the delerious
dying guy and told him to shut the fuck up with the apologies or he
wouldn't get a drop!) --But will she get ill next??
Post by Tulgey WoodBut I told Wolf a couple weeks ago that I bet Alma would kick her
laudenum habit and become a force in the town. Now that Eli's dead
(recognize Eli from XWP as Alma's now-dead Brahm Garrett?)
Yeah. Took me a few minutes to place him onaccounta the no beard, and
he looked a right pouf. :-D
What a twinkle boy he was. I bet Dan wanted to nail his ass. ;-D
Post by Tulgey Woodit looks like that's happening.
Thankfully. Now her twit of a husband is out of the picture, she can
stop doping and start living. Maybe she'll take up with Jane.
My my! They are an awesome sight together in the same room. Talk about
polar opposites. They look like they're from two different species. I
like how Alma gets along with anyone. Not that she approves of
everyone, or buddies up to them like a gf, but she goes along to get
along, and doesn't seem to judge.
Post by Tulgey Wood[snip]
Post by Tulgey WoodAnd since episode one, I've seen subtext between Seth
and Sol, as well.
Yeah, especially when they made their agreement with Al and were walking
away to go build their store, and looked at each other as they were
crossing the street. Seth patted Sol's back and it was like, "We get to
build our dream, honey!"
That's right! Howsabout when Sol reminded Seth to button his fly? Too
And last night Seth asked him to pack a bag for him. :) They're really
cute together. One macho and angry -- the other sweet and practical.
The male versions of Xena and Gabrielle! ;-D
What about when Seth went into the slaughter house (note: the language
I've gotten past but the gutted animals hanging everywhere is more
authenticism than I need... I hope there aren't many scenes like last
night's) anyway when Seth grabbed Jack by the neck and Jack accused
Seth and Bill of being lovers! I look forward to Seth catching up with
Jack and doing what the jury didn't. (Wasn't that horse Jack rode out
on beautiful?)
Post by Tulgey Wood[snip]
Seth is based on a real sheriff from Montana. They did a lot of research
to make this show. There's a "Making Of Deadwood" type thing you should
watch if you can catch it. The scenarios -- the times and the kind of
shit that went down in those little gold-mining towns -- is all very
realistic actually. More so than most crap we watch. ;)
Probably very true. Have you seen Ravenous, BTW? (Jeffrey Jones--the
newspaper guy in Deadwood--is in it.)
Can't say I have.
Post by Tulgey WoodIt came out about four or five
years ago. I saw it on cable--don't recall seeing promos for it in
theaters. Anyway, it's really quite funny and also sorta gross, but
very realistic and true to the times. Check for it at the video store
if you're interested (but don't watch it during dinner).
Will do.
Post by Tulgey WoodPost by Tulgey WoodPost by l***@large.comEverything is just SO DAMN GOOD. There are at least a couple lines of
dialog out of each episode that make me laugh out loud and clap.
Yep. One of my favorites (or at least the one that goes through my head
like a tune that can't be got rid of) is when Robin Weigert says to the
hugely creepy Brad Dourif, "You got a dark turna mind." LOL!!
Ha! You think Doc is hugely creepy? Or Brad?
Brad, but Brad makes the doc creepier than he would be were he played by
someone else. He walks about with his shoulders hunched looking like a
carrion bird. Love it. :-)
Great description! To me, I see the Doc as an honest, decent man in a
hellhole of vipers, who is always "hunched" against the evil forces at
work all around him. I like that he isn't scared of anyone when it
comes to protecting the health of a patient or even the town. I liked
the way he stood up to Sigh Toliver, making him send someone for a
vaccine for smallpox.
I wonder why they picked so many names that begin with "S" or if they
were real and they didn't have a choice. Seth, Sol, Sigh, Swearengen.
Post by Tulgey WoodHe *usually* plays hugely creepy characters, but this is the first
UNcreepy guy he's ever played imo!
Dourif makes a *very* creepy doctor. If I came to and saw him standing
over me with a medical implement.... =O
LOL!! I would hang with the Doc any day. Medical implement or not. ;)
Post by Tulgey WoodI love the doc. He too smart to not be scared shitless half the time,
but he won't take shit from anyone either.
I love the doc, and I love Al Swearengen. And Jane and Alma. And Seth
and Sol. And Bill and Charlie. What a party! :-)
Waaaaa... Bill's dead!
Post by Tulgey WoodPost by Tulgey WoodPost by l***@large.comI am seriously tempteto start a Deadwood ng or just use or whatever that generic group is. I'd love discussing
a great show for a change, instead of a frustrating one!
Oh, so would I. Let us know if you do, so interested parties can trail
you over. :-)
Let's do! I'll go look at the generic hbo ng tomorrow to see if it's
There are some discussions at But most of the interesting
ones are talking place among regulars who know each other in 'private'
ng's spread out all over USENET. Since is a catch-all
group, it doesn't really have "regulars" so it's strangers talking to
each other and that's never as dynamic. KWIM? (Not that it matters
much, just saying.) I'm sure there are tons of message boards, but
those suck.