(too old to reply)
Calamity Coyote ()
2004-05-04 00:57:36 UTC
Deadwoodisms that should appear on tee shirts. Posters. Sides of
buses. The White House. Add your own!

Andy: I ah-pala-gyze. (A great caption for the White House especially
since we got a little cowboy hot dog in there.)

Jane: Are YOU deAD? (A great one TO the White House?)

Al: You coulda just said, 'Amen.' (This is getting a bit ironic...)

Doc: I've seen as much misery from those that move to do justice as
those that set out to do harm. (Oh my god. This totally wasn't

I know how to save the country. Bush has to start watching Deadwood!

Calamity Coyote
Tulgey Wood
2004-05-09 18:18:59 UTC
Post by Calamity Coyote ()
Deadwoodisms that should appear on tee shirts. Posters. Sides of
buses. The White House. Add your own!
Andy: I ah-pala-gyze. (A great caption for the White House especially
since we got a little cowboy hot dog in there.)
Jane: Are YOU deAD? (A great one TO the White House?)
Al: You coulda just said, 'Amen.'
LOL! POTUS says Amen way too much as it is....
Post by Calamity Coyote ()
(This is getting a bit ironic...)
Doc: I've seen as much misery from those that move to do justice as
those that set out to do harm.
Another way of saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Post by Calamity Coyote ()
(Oh my god. This totally wasn't planned...)
I know how to save the country. Bush has to start watching Deadwood!
You assume he has the capacity to understand even base irony? I doubt
he'd get the bathroom humor in Deadwood.
