Post by l***@large.comPost by AJFor me Marina is the most alluring but she's also the kind of woman
who in real life scares me stupid. To actually have someone standing
in front of you exuding that much sex appeal would leave me speechless
.. mostly from fear of saying something stupid.
There's lots of people who like her as much as you do. She wasn't slated
to return in season two but people have been signing petitions and
writing to showtime. She was supposed to just be there for Jenny's
character arc. Since she owns the Planet where they all hang out it
would be weird to just stop seeing her unless she sold it or something.
IAC my bet is that they'll have her come back.
How'd you like her chicken dance on the boat? ;)
HEY! They can't let the Marina character go! I thought she was an integral
part of the group. After all she owns the place where they mostly hang out,
plus she's a bit more mature than the other gals. Not that she's a good
role-model, heh, what with the 'open marriage' she has with her partner.
Love to see Lolita Davidovich in the next episode in that role.
Please, please keep Marina in the show.
from the stars we came, to the stars we return
from now until the end of time