If this is for lesbians, than why is it about a show? I mean, it is a
pretty stupid title if only lesbians are supposed to post here because the
show is for anyone.
I probably have been intimate with more women than most lesbians have, and
there is no difference between bisexual and straight women with regards to
sex. That junk on TV would only fool a lesbian, perhaps. Or really only a
couple here. I also know, in real life two girls that are into girls. They
think the show sucks so I could not even ask them if they thought Jenna
would work better.
As usual, you completely understood my remark, which I attribute to low
reading comprehension or perhaps just a bad effort to start an argument. I
was not saying a woman would like me or another man, I mean how could anyone
even get that interpretation? I was saying that "straight" women who say
they are only "straight" are probably trying to convince themselves of it.
Most women at least have some interest in other women, even if it is only
curiousity. How can this possible mean I think all women are attracted to
me or other men? Good grief.
What kind of weirdo would think mentioning a porno queen would make
themselves seem sexier? How purely idiotic. Porn does not make the watcher
sexier, and it is not something I know much about or try to look like I know
much about. I only know of Jenna Jameson, and if I wanted to seem like a
real porn watcher I would have come up with more names, etc... I saw her on
Howard Stern's show, and thought she was pretty appealing, and then about
two weeks later, saw girls talking about her. It cemented her imagine in my
brain and I use her as an example. Is it even possible to you that I really
believe adding a sexpot would improve the show? Is it that unimaginable?
Most shows do have very attractive females in it, but for me to want one in
this show, I must be doing it to seem sexier? Your interpretation is purely
I find your pretentions rather amusing. You refer to a porn queen as
"classless", but you watch a show that shows Jesus sodomizing a girl as part
of an art representation. Yes, that is real class. This show is not about
class, it should be provoking. A porn queen of striking appearance and real
female attraction would only help it. You pretentious folks who think this
is another Godfather in the making are taking yourselves and this show too
seriously. This show is not going to liberate lesbians or make them more
likeable. It is not for gay liberation or anything like that. It is about
entertainment. You will have to do the liberation on your own, and
hopefully with more sense and tact. Then again, who hates lesbians anyway?
Gay men are generally disliked. Gay women? Only the extreme right groups
do, and they are not too numerous.
Most people that read these forums do not post, and the fact Jenna Jameson
is so popular indicates that people do like her. Also, with you pretentious
jackasses always insulting me for saying it, no one wants to subject
themselves to flames. Kind of funny for gays to hate freedom of expression
so much and be so offended by a porn queen. You guys think you fall into
biblical heaven? I am afraid not. So, be more tolerant of other people,
lest you be viewed as the biological defects that you are.
I am done with this forum. You guys can all agree with each other and kiss
each other's buttocks instead of actually have another point of view that
you may not agree with. In forums everyone should agree with each other,
that makes it very interesting. In case you are too stupid to realize, that
is sarcasm.
You should be flattered I even wasted this much time arguing with you.
Normally, I think better of wasting my time with idiots who think they know
everything and will not understand a single word of it, because they already
"know" what I am thinking.
Post by l***@largePost by TA152HI can tell you these straight actresses can not pull it off in this show.
Do you realize just how stupidly narcissistic you are coming off,
telling *lesbians* what looks real and what doesn't?
Post by TA152HTo be
honest, the ones that protest that they would never sleep with another girl
seem to be trying to convince themselves of it.
It must really fry your ego that there are women who would never want
you. Or any other man.
BTW I created this group for lesbians -- not for str8 men -- though
anyone is welcome as long as they don't come here to preach, gay bash,
or be offensive (all in the FAQ which I will repost for your
edification). You remarks have been offensive ever since you got here.
And I've stated it at least once before, plainly. This makes twice.
If you want to argue that what lesbians really want is a man, go to
alt.homosexuality or some other appropriate newsgroup and discuss it
all you want. And while you're at it rethink the porn crap too. It is
not titillating. It is not appreciated. No one has agreed with you. No
one will. You are continuing to bring it up b/c you think it's sexy of
you to talk about it. It doesn't make you sexy. It doesn't make you
appealing. It just makes you look out of touch and desparate.
Or you can keep down the road you're headed and everyone will PLONK!
you, leaving your posts not only unread, but uncollected off the
Gr8est said you were a troll and you jumped all over him denying it.
So far, Gr8est has said nothing offensive here, while you have and
continue to in your own little "polite" way. So I guess we'll see if
Gr8est was right...