2004-04-05 04:36:27 UTC
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
[conveniently] separated from the rest of the protesters. The answer:
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Even talking to manatees.
And she was right!
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
the top three worst written.
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
[conveniently] separated from the rest of the protesters. The answer:
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Even talking to manatees.
And she was right!
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.