Tie for Worst Ep Ever
(too old to reply)
2004-04-05 04:36:27 UTC
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.

There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)

And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!

Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)

The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!

Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
[conveniently] separated from the rest of the protesters. The answer:
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.

So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.

And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...

And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?

And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)

Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.

When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.

Even talking to manatees.

And she was right!

Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?

But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.

So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)

On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
2004-04-05 05:47:28 UTC
It was truly horrible.

I would never ask a woman if I was inadequate, they generally let you know
everything that is wrong with you without having to ask. :P

The whole damn show has ceased being believable. Everytime someone has a
suggestion, everyone takes it. What was the point of all the girls being
thrown in jail? It was impossible to believe, and more than that totally
unnecessary and added nothing to plot.

How can people fall in love so quickly anyway? I mean, it seems like they
go from first seeing each other to moving in really quickly, and without
clothes even faster. What normal people are comfortable with this type of
frenetic speed. Maybe some, but all do in this show.

The temptation to make love for Bette might be more believable if the
surroundings were more intimate. Who in Hell would be so tempted to make
love with only bars as their seclusion, particularly when it is cheating on
someone? Who gets that worked up at work over someone, to the point they
almost can not control themselves. At night, OK. During the day, it just
does not work that way. People are way too aware that they might be seen,
and that takes away the comfort level to be very tempted.

Why did they fall in love so quickly anyway? CC is hardly attractive, and
her personality is not particularly engaging. If it were Jenna Jameson, I
might have an easier time believing it, but that is another topic.

I think this show is going downhill fast.
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Even talking to manatees.
And she was right!
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
2004-04-05 17:38:09 UTC
"TA152H" <***@worldnet.att.net> kindly wrote:

Well, we're in agreement on a couple of things here anyway...
Post by TA152H
It was truly horrible.
There's one.
Post by TA152H
I would never ask a woman if I was inadequate, they generally let you know
everything that is wrong with you without having to ask. :P
I'll take your word on that. :-D
Post by TA152H
The whole damn show has ceased being believable. Everytime someone has a
suggestion, everyone takes it. [...]
Agree with you here 100% too. Stupid.
Post by TA152H
How can people fall in love so quickly anyway? I mean, it seems like they
go from first seeing each other to moving in really quickly, and without
clothes even faster. What normal people are comfortable with this type of
frenetic speed. Maybe some, but all do in this show.
There is a running joke that lesbians call the Uhaul to move in
together after a first date, but it's presented here in the extreme.
The show offers little to no setup before moving forward, which I
assume the writers think of as "moving the story along at a fast pace"
not realizing they have the right idea but are going about it the
wrong way. You can't move the story along by cutting out all the
necessary stuff that makes the story plausible.
Post by TA152H
I think this show is going downhill fast.
On this basic point we would agree too. Though for me it's been going
downhill from the moment it aired, starting with problems in the

2004-04-06 01:20:33 UTC
Your remark about the Uhaul was enlightening. I had no idea. It also makes
me a little sad, since it shows a degree of desperation or unhappiness. Of
course, that is maybe a male perspective. Maybe it is because women are
less afraid of commitment or have more positive outlooks in general. I hope
it is one of these two.

I agree about taking more time with the plot. Can you imagine any of the
Lord of the Ring movies done in 1.5 hours? I bet you these editors can.
Some things take time, and when you rush it you lose a lot of things
essential to making it "work". After all, all these shows are about
emotions, and if they background is not firmly established and we can not
identify with the situation or character, the emotional connection to the
show is tenuous or non-existent.

I think they had a good idea, but are blowing the details.
Post by l***@large
Well, we're in agreement on a couple of things here anyway...
Post by TA152H
It was truly horrible.
There's one.
Post by TA152H
I would never ask a woman if I was inadequate, they generally let you know
everything that is wrong with you without having to ask. :P
I'll take your word on that. :-D
Post by TA152H
The whole damn show has ceased being believable. Everytime someone has a
suggestion, everyone takes it. [...]
Agree with you here 100% too. Stupid.
Post by TA152H
How can people fall in love so quickly anyway? I mean, it seems like they
go from first seeing each other to moving in really quickly, and without
clothes even faster. What normal people are comfortable with this type of
frenetic speed. Maybe some, but all do in this show.
There is a running joke that lesbians call the Uhaul to move in
together after a first date, but it's presented here in the extreme.
The show offers little to no setup before moving forward, which I
assume the writers think of as "moving the story along at a fast pace"
not realizing they have the right idea but are going about it the
wrong way. You can't move the story along by cutting out all the
necessary stuff that makes the story plausible.
Post by TA152H
I think this show is going downhill fast.
On this basic point we would agree too. Though for me it's been going
downhill from the moment it aired, starting with problems in the
2004-04-06 03:05:19 UTC
Post by TA152H
Your remark about the Uhaul was enlightening. I had no idea.
I did say it was a running *joke.* That on L-Word they took it to the
extreme [when Dana packed Tanya up and brought her home after knowing
her only hours].
Post by TA152H
It also makes
me a little sad, since it shows a degree of desperation or unhappiness.
Which is exactly why it isn't funny on the show, even though that
wasn't your point.
Post by TA152H
course, that is maybe a male perspective. Maybe it is because women are
less afraid of commitment or have more positive outlooks in general. I hope
it is one of these two.
When people are young they often do stupid things. They are sometimes
too trusting, naive, and too quick to assume everything will turn out
the way they imagine. Lesbian, bi and straight. Male and female. Don't
lose any sleep over it. <g>

Chel Pompa
2004-04-06 03:24:11 UTC
you guys may wanna check out the web site for next week's previews. it's a
jaw dropper! for bette n tina and dana n the hair.
Post by l***@large
Post by TA152H
Your remark about the Uhaul was enlightening. I had no idea.
I did say it was a running *joke.* That on L-Word they took it to the
extreme [when Dana packed Tanya up and brought her home after knowing
her only hours].
Post by TA152H
It also makes
me a little sad, since it shows a degree of desperation or unhappiness.
Which is exactly why it isn't funny on the show, even though that
wasn't your point.
Post by TA152H
course, that is maybe a male perspective. Maybe it is because women are
less afraid of commitment or have more positive outlooks in general. I hope
it is one of these two.
When people are young they often do stupid things. They are sometimes
too trusting, naive, and too quick to assume everything will turn out
the way they imagine. Lesbian, bi and straight. Male and female. Don't
lose any sleep over it. <g>
2004-04-06 06:51:56 UTC
Even when I was young I would never move in with someone after one date.
Not even close.

Most of the jokes are based on a bit of truth, albeit exaggerated.

I guess the people moving in together so quickly is an esoteric joke that
flopped. I totally missed it, you got it and were not amused by it. Seems
like a bad idea all the way around.
Post by l***@large
Post by TA152H
Your remark about the Uhaul was enlightening. I had no idea.
I did say it was a running *joke.* That on L-Word they took it to the
extreme [when Dana packed Tanya up and brought her home after knowing
her only hours].
Post by TA152H
It also makes
me a little sad, since it shows a degree of desperation or unhappiness.
Which is exactly why it isn't funny on the show, even though that
wasn't your point.
Post by TA152H
course, that is maybe a male perspective. Maybe it is because women are
less afraid of commitment or have more positive outlooks in general. I hope
it is one of these two.
When people are young they often do stupid things. They are sometimes
too trusting, naive, and too quick to assume everything will turn out
the way they imagine. Lesbian, bi and straight. Male and female. Don't
lose any sleep over it. <g>
2004-04-06 17:34:01 UTC
Post by TA152H
Even when I was young I would never move in with someone after one date.
Not even close.
(No, but we all do other stupid things when we're young.) *Most*
people don't ask someone to move in after one date. That's what makes
it a joke, though unfunny. The Uhaul syndrome is also a joke based on
the tendency to move in too quickly -- but not after one date.
Post by TA152H
Most of the jokes are based on a bit of truth, albeit exaggerated.
That's the idea.
Post by TA152H
I guess the people moving in together so quickly is an esoteric joke that
flopped. I totally missed it, you got it and were not amused by it. Seems
like a bad idea all the way around.
Yup. Makes Dana look like an idiot. Not only for buddying up to the
psycho lady at all -- missing the obvious controlling behavior to keep
her away from *any* of her fans and friends -- but to bring her home
on top of it, like a goldfish she won at a fair.

Chel Pompa
2004-04-07 01:08:24 UTC
man, that wasn't even a date!!! she walked her around, took her to her
awards dinner, shooed off her fans, then jumped her. hum, maybe it was a
Post by l***@large
Post by TA152H
Even when I was young I would never move in with someone after one date.
Not even close.
(No, but we all do other stupid things when we're young.) *Most*
people don't ask someone to move in after one date. That's what makes
it a joke, though unfunny. The Uhaul syndrome is also a joke based on
the tendency to move in too quickly -- but not after one date.
Post by TA152H
Most of the jokes are based on a bit of truth, albeit exaggerated.
That's the idea.
Post by TA152H
I guess the people moving in together so quickly is an esoteric joke that
flopped. I totally missed it, you got it and were not amused by it.
Post by l***@large
Post by TA152H
like a bad idea all the way around.
Yup. Makes Dana look like an idiot. Not only for buddying up to the
psycho lady at all -- missing the obvious controlling behavior to keep
her away from *any* of her fans and friends -- but to bring her home
on top of it, like a goldfish she won at a fair.
The L Wolf
2004-04-05 05:56:05 UTC
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
By far the absolute worst in my book. Not one single character, except Alice and
Dana (who unfortunately were not focal points in this ep), seemed to act in
character. Sheer, absolute madness. Jenny did seem like the most sane one of all!
Her and her manatees and her creepy little biologist...
Post by l***@large.com
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
Uh-huh, Bette didn't even notice something different until Tina didn't pick up her
dry cleaning. Give me a frickin' break.
Post by l***@large.com
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Probably the person who wrote it does/did a lot of political rallying and
protesting. I suppose the museum riots are supposed to mirror that type of
hostile, political rallying so I can see the stretch, but it made my brain sore to

Another thought on this. This whole stupid storyline is supposed to be about
Bette's inner struggle being projected into (or mirrored by) the world around her.
Even the Jesus-f*cking Lady came out of the video and into her immediate
surroundings, even into the paddy wagon with her. Life mirroring art mirroring
life... Bette's war is escalating and she *needs* her closest people tightly
linked around her to help her or save her. But, alas, it isn't enough and Bette
ends up humping dry wall in a prison cell wall anyway...
Post by l***@large.com
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
Alright, since Alice dated Bette oh so long ago, I would think she'd pick up on
Bette being on the make. Alice is a sharp cookie, and even though Bette was angled
slightly away from her when they were being shoved into the paddy wagon (and Bette
is still distracted with mooning over CC), I think Alice would still catch the
vibes. I almost thought she had, but then she went into tweaking the Xian woman.
That was funny.
Post by l***@large.com
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
You're right, these writers are one trick ponies. Different eps, different scenes,
different characters; similar tactics.
Post by l***@large.com
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
Yes, and they get a nice, convenient corner cell... doesn't Bette know people have
probably pissed on that wall? Oh yeah, and the guard doesn't notice the mutual
ABC/123 masturbation and drywall humping c'uz she's wearing those dark
sunglasses... perfectly plausible.
Post by l***@large.com
And not in a good way.
(I must ask, what would qualify as getting hairballs "in a good way"? Though in
the case of this week's ep, "in a good way" might be if it actually did made you
puke. At least one might feel better afterwards. >^..^< )
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
Maybe one of the writers was drawing on their time in 5th grade detention...
Post by l***@large.com
This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall.
"Cell phone sex without the phone?"
Post by l***@large.com
This was supposed to be hot.
It was one of the biggest turnoffs I've ever seen, read or watched ever. Flipping
back to Jenny's story was like a breath of fresh air...
Post by l***@large.com
Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot.
Women in prison. There's a new idea... Shane might have been a better choice, but

Ok, I'll hurt my brain again: Bette is imprisoned by her warring emotions. The
crowds represent her life's chaos (which we haven't really been privvy to) closing
in on her. Everything is going wrong -- even her gf didn't even pick up her
drycleaning! -- and finally, in the most "locked up", repressed circumstances, she
is able to find a twisted little iota of release... ?? Ugh, sorry, I just can't.
I'll leave it to Kit and Franklin to bail her out of this one.
Post by l***@large.com
It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
Bette became a cripple in this ep. Only worse was Shane pining away for Cherie,
STAYING in jail to do it mind you -- a prison of her own making. Then there was
Marina, who became outright devious and meddlesome; even when she went to Tim &
Jenny's dinner party, she was more subtle. Everyone is going bananas in this ep.
Jenny and Tim were the easiest ones to watch. Scary.
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
(A writer taking her fandom too seriously... fancying a Fatal Attraction scenario
for herself, I mean, for Dana Fairbanks.)
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
Cuz they're bored watching from stage left.
Post by l***@large.com
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
And Shane having a heart-to-heart with the daughter. Anywhere from 950 to 1200
people??? No wonder she has perpetual bed-head.
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
Huh? Wasn't Marina just being devious out of jealousy, trying to insert herself
between BattyJenny and Robin?

(Btw, wasn't young Robin of Batman and Robin a trapeze artist whose family got
killed by the Joker or Riddler or someonen and that's what turned him into the boy
wonder? And then Trappy's name is Robin. Why the heck draw on a Batman and Robin
storyline for Jenny???)
Post by l***@large.com
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Jenny looked like a genius compared to the rest of the bunch. (Funny, she was
playing "Genius" by the Murmurs, Leisha Hailey's RL ex-band, in her love shack
with Robin). At least she kept to herself pretty much. She couldn't help it if
people keep asking her out left and right, or if she happened to humiliate her
husband in front of his pals. Such "a nice Jewish girl..." (Yeah, despite all
that, her storyline was easier to watch...)
Post by l***@large.com
Even talking to manatees.
At least she wasn't trying to play the ABC 123 game with them.
Post by l***@large.com
And she was right!
('Course she was. :)
Post by l***@large.com
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
The manatees talked back?
Post by l***@large.com
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
And here I thought Jenny was being respectful of Tim and his friends through the
gauze curtained window...
Post by l***@large.com
Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
Jenny went for it with Trappy (another one of those "just dive in" first kisses).
I don't geddit because to me it came of like a "fuck you" to Tim rather than a
goodnight kiss to Robin. Why? He's been NICE to her (as you go on to say). Was it
paybacks for Tim splashing around with Trish in front of Jenny? Ugh, too much
brain stretching.
Post by l***@large.com
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
Too soon for him to see her with someone else, I thought.
Post by l***@large.com
Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
I was more interested in Jenny and Tim this week than ever before, because it
meant I wasn't having to watch the Bette disaster. Gah. I don't think I could even
stand to watch this ep again. ::shudder:: I'd rather hear people sing Indigo Girls
tunes without the CD playing... well, maybe for a minute or two. (On her chat,
Erin Daniels said they actually did sing that song over and over and over and over
to film that scene. LOL)
Post by l***@large.com
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
Huh, so why am I sitting here replying to this post instead of watching Deadwood?
Oh yeah, because seeing Eli as a claimstaker in 1897 is a bit weird... Eh, he's
about to get pick-axed anyway. Hmm, time to watch.

Warrior Gardener
2004-04-05 13:09:35 UTC
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
By far the absolute worst in my book. Not one single character, except Alice and
Dana (who unfortunately were not focal points in this ep), seemed to act in
character. Sheer, absolute madness. Jenny did seem like the most sane one of all!
Her and her manatees and her creepy little biologist...
[After spending a lot of time replying to this thread, I got disconnected
and lost my reply before posting so briefly:]
I didn't mind the biologist; at least he was different from Tim
(so far). Maybe he and Jenny will run off to S. FL to study
manatees and be off the show. :)

[snips ahoy]

Bette & CC in jail: I'm ambivalent about the scene for lots of reasons
but I can see it as an act of defiance on Bette's part [you can
lock me up physically but my thoughts and feelings are my own...].

Shane hanging around the jail for hours made no sense. She has
a cell phone so her physical location shouldn't matter.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
Cuz they're bored watching from stage left.
I figured they were aware of what was going on at the museum
and maybe even expected to be called. The "us against the world"
theme that I see as part of the show from the start.

Re Marina: What little attention I paid to her scenes, I thought
her only motivation was financial - getting backing to save her
business. The musical chairs of who's paying attention to whom
was boring.
Post by The L Wolf
And here I thought Jenny was being respectful of Tim and his friends through the
gauze curtained window...
Post by l***@large.com
Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
Jenny went for it with Trappy (another one of those "just dive in" first kisses).
I don't geddit because to me it came of like a "fuck you" to Tim rather than a
goodnight kiss to Robin. Why? He's been NICE to her (as you go on to say). Was it
paybacks for Tim splashing around with Trish in front of Jenny? Ugh, too much
brain stretching.
I dunno, but it seemed so obvious a show for Tim, not that I care
about Tim but seemed crude on Jenny's part. Not that I care all
that much about Jenny...
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
I had the same weird signal mixup, so it must have been coming
from Showtime. (Unless you are also on the Dish network.)

Deadwood's worth watching? Hmmm...

Warrior Gardener
2004-04-05 17:26:16 UTC
Post by Warrior Gardener
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
Cuz they're bored watching from stage left.
I figured they were aware of what was going on at the museum
and maybe even expected to be called. The "us against the world"
theme that I see as part of the show from the start.
But they all have jobs. Except, conveniently, when the show needs them
to act like they don't!
Post by Warrior Gardener
Re Marina: What little attention I paid to her scenes, I thought
her only motivation was financial - getting backing to save her
business. The musical chairs of who's paying attention to whom
was boring.
But how is a trapeze lady going to get her backing?? Are they going to
put on a circus to raise money? :]?
Post by Warrior Gardener
I had the same weird signal mixup, so it must have been coming
from Showtime. (Unless you are also on the Dish network.)
Not Dish, and yes I suspected it was their screwup because a signal
can't usually splice tape together. <g> But I wonder if it was a
Showtime screwup or a L-Word screwup... like if they handed bad copy
to Showtime for airing?
Post by Warrior Gardener
Deadwood's worth watching? Hmmm...
Fantastic acting, lighting, directing, writing, casting... it's really
really good. If you have On Demand, catch up by watching ep's 1-3
before next Sunday!

Tulgey Wood
2004-04-07 03:34:04 UTC
Post by Warrior Gardener
Bette & CC in jail: I'm ambivalent about the scene for lots of reasons
but I can see it as an act of defiance on Bette's part [you can
lock me up physically but my thoughts and feelings are my own...].
In which case she could have pretended she was alone, assumed the
meditation position, and aaahhhooommmed herself into a stupor until the
bail turned up.

Post by Warrior Gardener
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
Cuz they're bored watching from stage left.
I figured they were aware of what was going on at the museum
and maybe even expected to be called. The "us against the world"
theme that I see as part of the show from the start.
Coulda been. But it was still sorta of cartoon-ish to see them suddenly
bop onto the scene, IMO.
Post by Warrior Gardener
Re Marina: What little attention I paid to her scenes, I thought
her only motivation was financial - getting backing to save her
business. The musical chairs of who's paying attention to whom
was boring.
Boring *and* nastily bitchy. Marina hasn't done one thing to endear
herself to me.
Post by Warrior Gardener
Post by The L Wolf
And here I thought Jenny was being respectful of Tim and his friends through the
gauze curtained window...
Post by l***@large.com
Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
Jenny went for it with Trappy (another one of those "just dive in" first kisses).
I don't geddit because to me it came of like a "fuck you" to Tim rather than a
goodnight kiss to Robin. Why? He's been NICE to her (as you go on to say). Was it
paybacks for Tim splashing around with Trish in front of Jenny? Ugh, too much
brain stretching.
I dunno, but it seemed so obvious a show for Tim, not that I care
about Tim but seemed crude on Jenny's part. Not that I care all
that much about Jenny...
Jenny. You know, I'm beginning to think Wolf's right, and she is
actually a nasty little psycho. She'll end up pulling a razor on
someone--just wait.
The L Wolf
2004-04-07 06:03:39 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by Warrior Gardener
Bette & CC in jail: I'm ambivalent about the scene for lots of reasons
but I can see it as an act of defiance on Bette's part [you can
lock me up physically but my thoughts and feelings are my own...].
In which case she could have pretended she was alone, assumed the
meditation position, and aaahhhooommmed herself into a stupor until the
bail turned up.
Yeah, instead Bette got tree-pose mixed up with tree-humping pose... and CC on the
cot over there stuck in neverending bridge pose.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by Warrior Gardener
Re Marina: What little attention I paid to her scenes, I thought
her only motivation was financial - getting backing to save her
business. The musical chairs of who's paying attention to whom
was boring.
Boring *and* nastily bitchy. Marina hasn't done one thing to endear
herself to me.
Aww, not even the chicken dance on the yacht? ;)
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by Warrior Gardener
Post by The L Wolf
Jenny went for it with Trappy (another one of those "just dive in" first kisses).
I don't geddit because to me it came of like a "fuck you" to Tim rather than a
goodnight kiss to Robin. Why? He's been NICE to her (as you go on to say). Was it
paybacks for Tim splashing around with Trish in front of Jenny? Ugh, too much
brain stretching.
I dunno, but it seemed so obvious a show for Tim, not that I care
about Tim but seemed crude on Jenny's part. Not that I care all
that much about Jenny...
Jenny. You know, I'm beginning to think Wolf's right, and she is
actually a nasty little psycho. She'll end up pulling a razor on
someone--just wait.
"Heeere little manatee boy..."

The L Wolf
2004-04-07 05:39:40 UTC
Post by Warrior Gardener
[After spending a lot of time replying to this thread, I got disconnected
and lost my reply before posting so briefly:]
Daaaammmmmmitttt. "Save early and often", a programmers mantra once they've lost
hours and hours of coding two or ten times. Guess how I know? :)
Post by Warrior Gardener
I didn't mind the biologist; at least he was different from Tim
(so far). Maybe he and Jenny will run off to S. FL to study
manatees and be off the show. :)
Yeah, send them there. I don't live there anymore. <g>
Post by Warrior Gardener
Bette & CC in jail: I'm ambivalent about the scene for lots of reasons
but I can see it as an act of defiance on Bette's part [you can
lock me up physically but my thoughts and feelings are my own...].
Defiance against Tina or her relationship maybe. But if Bette's feelings were her
own, she wouldn't be drifting every which way Candy blows her... she'd be getting
her head together and sorting her shit out (jmo). I can see how you see it,
though; I think it might fit if Bette hadn't gone off on Marina (back when she
wasn't pod Bette) for having an affair with Jenny, or if she hadn't bragged to
Alice about manogamy not being just a theory, that "some people actually do
practice it." Yeah, Bette, who then? :)
Post by Warrior Gardener
Shane hanging around the jail for hours made no sense. She has
a cell phone so her physical location shouldn't matter.
Uh-huh. Going from the previews, it's a heavy-handed lead-in to next week.
Post by Warrior Gardener
I dunno, but it seemed so obvious a show for Tim, not that I care
about Tim but seemed crude on Jenny's part. Not that I care all
that much about Jenny...
LOL! (QAF in 2 weeks! You can care again. <g>)
Post by Warrior Gardener
I had the same weird signal mixup, so it must have been coming
from Showtime. (Unless you are also on the Dish network.)
Deadwood's worth watching? Hmmm...
Believe it or not, all the "f*ck"s and "c**ksucker"s being used liberally and
interchangeably as nouns, adjectives, and intransitive verbs overshadowed the rest
of the story for me. And the people are all dirty. But I've promised a certain
Klingon-booted biker I'd give it another chance.

2004-04-05 17:19:04 UTC
[with snips throughout for brevity]
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
By far the absolute worst in my book.
Let's not forget the two ep's Troche wrote, and the one Andy Paley
wrote! Although they are all tough competitors for worst ep with one
or two exceptions.
Post by The L Wolf
Not one single character, except Alice and
Dana (who unfortunately were not focal points in this ep), seemed to act in
Actually Dana was one of the things I forgot to pick on... it is one
thing for a sponser to want you because you are out... it is quite
another to get arrested for protecting what 80% of Americans would
think of as smutty exhibits. No sponser would want their name attached
to someone who is outwardly supporting exhibits that show a
Christ-like figure screwing a Mary-like figure. It's too
controversial. It makes "simply being gay" look like Sunday School.
When she was in the paddy and "got that look" like she was sick, I was
sure she was going to say something about her sponsership. Instead she
says her parents are going to kill her. Argh.

Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Probably the person who wrote it does/did a lot of political rallying and
Obviously -- and never was an art director at a museum or stopped to
think about how they might act. And didn't think we would either.
Because this was the stupid device they came up with to get Bette and
CC in jail. For krissakes we all know you don't jossle art exhibits
and artists through a riotous crowd! Museums operate with a little
more dignity and sense than that! If you had to you'd get on the phone
to an agency that has security for hire, and have them send a team
(bouncers basically -- huge guys that weigh 250 pounds and can crack
you like a twig) to form a walkway (hold the crowd back on either side
like cops do) to walk the stuff in. You do NOT call your friends and
the staff to put themselves in harms way to form a human chain! My
gawd it was such a stupid device! How OLD are these writers???
Post by The L Wolf
Another thought on this. This whole stupid storyline is supposed to be about
Bette's inner struggle being projected into (or mirrored by) the world around her.
Even the Jesus-f*cking Lady came out of the video and into her immediate
surroundings, even into the paddy wagon with her. Life mirroring art mirroring
life... Bette's war is escalating and she *needs* her closest people tightly
linked around her to help her or save her. But, alas, it isn't enough and Bette
ends up humping dry wall in a prison cell wall anyway...
All nice associations but if they make us swallow a load of bull to
get there, there ain't no gettin' there at all.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
Alright, since Alice dated Bette oh so long ago, I would think she'd pick up on
Bette being on the make. Alice is a sharp cookie, and even though Bette was angled
slightly away from her when they were being shoved into the paddy wagon (and Bette
is still distracted with mooning over CC), I think Alice would still catch the
vibes. I almost thought she had, but then she went into tweaking the Xian woman.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And not in a good way.
(I must ask, what would qualify as getting hairballs "in a good way"?
(Was just a very dry joke, m'dear. As in dry vomiting.)
Post by The L Wolf
Though in
the case of this week's ep, "in a good way" might be if it actually did made you
puke. At least one might feel better afterwards. >^..^< )
There ya go. :)
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
Maybe one of the writers was drawing on their time in 5th grade detention...
So it seems!
Post by The L Wolf
And Shane having a heart-to-heart with the daughter. Anywhere from 950 to 1200
people??? No wonder she has perpetual bed-head.
And were those all women? Or was she including the men she tricked
with? Shane said she's been sexually active since she was 14? (Is that
what she said?) If she's supposed to be about 24 now, that's ten years
or 3,650 days. If she's boffed 1200 *women* that's roughly a different
girl every three days since she was 14. Even 950 would be a different
girl every 3.8 days. We can assume she was including her tricks then,
in with her personal conquests. (Which doesn't make sense b/c most
people who trick would not include clients in with people they have
*chosen* to have sex with in their personal lives. Plus she only gave
these guys hand jobs, supposedly.) But let's say she did. And how long
did she trick for??? I thought it was a short time. Six months or
something?? IAC, it's all still ridiculous.

Just saying she's slept with well over a hundred women would have made
the point nicely that she's been around. Stretching the believability
factor to the absurd is a disease with this show, and it cheapened
Shane unnecessarily in that there was no dramatic payoff for doing it.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
Huh? Wasn't Marina just being devious out of jealousy, trying to insert herself
between BattyJenny and Robin?
Marina wasn't in Palm Springs. Did she know that was Jenny's date? If
there was a nexxus where Marina was told, I missed it.
Post by The L Wolf
(Btw, wasn't young Robin of Batman and Robin a trapeze artist whose family got
killed by the Joker or Riddler or someonen and that's what turned him into the boy
wonder? And then Trappy's name is Robin. Why the heck draw on a Batman and Robin
storyline for Jenny???)
I don't know about Batman's back story, but if this is true, that's
pretty funny.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
And here I thought Jenny was being respectful of Tim and his friends through the
gauze curtained window...
Not to mention respectful of herself. How many times do women kiss in
public for the sake of stirring up men?
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
Jenny went for it with Trappy (another one of those "just dive in" first kisses).
I don't geddit because to me it came of like a "fuck you" to Tim rather than a
goodnight kiss to Robin. Why? He's been NICE to her (as you go on to say). Was it
paybacks for Tim splashing around with Trish in front of Jenny? Ugh, too much
brain stretching.
Oh, okay. That mutsa been it. She was getting him back for Trish.
Except she used Trappy to do that, which just makes Jenny
unsympathetic (from a writer's POV) which Jenny does not need help
with at this point. And why would Trappy have responded to such an
unwarranted kiss? Just b/c Jenny si attractive? And it also doesn't
jive with Jenny's 'apology' later, that it was "too soon" -- as if it
were a genuine kiss, but she shouldn't have let Tim see it. So which
is true... that it was genuine and just too soon to let him see it, or
that it was not genuine and she just did it to get him back for Trish?
(rhetorical) Goes back to bad writing.
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
Too soon for him to see her with someone else, I thought.
(Honey, you're scaring me!) ;-D
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her!
(Sarcasm. See?) :)

2004-04-05 18:42:08 UTC
Post by l***@large
[with snips throughout for brevity]
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
By far the absolute worst in my book.
Let's not forget the two ep's Troche wrote, and the one Andy Paley
Correction: Mark Zakarin. Andy Paley does the music.

(And I can't believe who wrote last night's ep: Ilene herself. Not
that I've been thrilled with her other ep's, but I expected a little
more out of her than this.)

So far the only writer I've liked has been Angela Robinson. [wrote the
"Longing" episode where they do the Jane bond thing to see if Lara is
gay, and Dana gets a date with her. Bette also goes before the board
and Ms. Peabody saves her job. However it had caveats as well with
Bette and Tina bowing to their vial of sperm, and Alice squirting it
all over Dana.] It was among the least irritating and most enjoyable
ep's, however, grading on a bell curve.
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-06 04:27:25 UTC
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Probably the person who wrote it does/did a lot of political rallying and
protesting. I suppose the museum riots are supposed to mirror that type of
hostile, political rallying so I can see the stretch, but it made my brain sore to
Museum riots? A new category of riot is born. :-D
Post by The L Wolf
Another thought on this. This whole stupid storyline is supposed to be about
Bette's inner struggle being projected into (or mirrored by) the world around her.
Even the Jesus-f*cking Lady came out of the video and into her immediate
surroundings, even into the paddy wagon with her. Life mirroring art mirroring
life... Bette's war is escalating and she *needs* her closest people tightly
linked around her to help her or save her. But, alas, it isn't enough and Bette
ends up humping dry wall in a prison cell wall anyway...
Dry wall reminds her of the carpenter. Or is she attracted to Carpenter
Candy because she has a dry wall fetish? Tune in next week....
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
Alright, since Alice dated Bette oh so long ago, I would think she'd pick up on
Bette being on the make. Alice is a sharp cookie, and even though Bette was angled
slightly away from her when they were being shoved into the paddy wagon (and Bette
is still distracted with mooning over CC), I think Alice would still catch the
She might have caught the vibes from *real* Bette, but this is pod
Bette, all horns and no brain.

Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
Maybe one of the writers was drawing on their time in 5th grade detention...
Yep, and likely spent the entire grade there...which would explain why
they wrote that weird dialog for Alice in Shane's salon two or so eps

Post by The L Wolf
And Shane having a heart-to-heart with the daughter. Anywhere from 950 to 1200
people??? No wonder she has perpetual bed-head.
LOL!! That's it! The only thing in the ep that makes sense. :-D
2004-04-05 22:40:11 UTC
may not be posting this in the right thread order- but a fellow
horrified girlfriend who watched this episode correctly pointed out
that the mammal swimming around the pool was NOT a manatee but a
beluga whale.

i cannot now correctly recall if there ever WAS a manatee swimming
around in the footage, but all that talk between goofy biologist boy
and twigstick bi girl had a white beluga WHALE, not a manatee swimming
in front of them.

it's possible it's like sitting in a zoo monkey hut and looking at
monkeys while talking about "silver backed gorillas" - but the footage
pretty much implied they were looking at a manatee, which they

makes one wonder how THAT got by the editors... cast... film crew...
sanctuary staff where it was filmed...
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Even talking to manatees.
And she was right!
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
2004-04-05 22:57:52 UTC
Post by spinsterish
may not be posting this in the right thread order- but a fellow
horrified girlfriend who watched this episode correctly pointed out
that the mammal swimming around the pool was NOT a manatee but a
beluga whale.
Wolf (my gf) made that point to me this morning. She's from FL and
said those were not manatees. She forgot to include it in her list of

2004-04-05 22:57:39 UTC
Finally RR added alt.tv.the-l-word to the list of newsgroups!

I'm just going to paste in somethings I said to LatLarge about this ep
and then I'll start keeping up with the conversation ... I'm so happy
to be here!!!

Start of paste:
This week's episode was teetering on the edge of unbelievability ...
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes and locked up
together away from the others???
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make it
OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny?? and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that ...
she was having a bad hair day too!
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.

I really hope next season they introduce a little sanity in the
scripts. It's like they want to take on all the properties of a
major soap opera and didn't let the fact that they only had a limited
run of episodes stop them from cramming in every twist and turn they
could come up with.
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that
Post by l***@large.com
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be
Post by l***@large.com
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More
Post by l***@large.com
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?> Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
[conveniently] separated from the rest of the protesters. The
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing,
Post by l***@large.com
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I
Post by l***@large.com
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote. What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time, had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight. And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Even talking to manatees.
And she was right!
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
nothing but making out. ::ack:: More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what?? He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it
Post by l***@large.com
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
On the good side, the Sopranos was fantastic tonight and I still have
Deadwood to feast upon in just 30 minutes.
2004-04-05 23:41:32 UTC
Post by AJ
This week's episode was teetering on the edge of unbelievability ...
Teetering? That's generous! :)
Post by AJ
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes and locked up
together away from the others???
Yup. The "ringleaders" had to be separated dontchaknow! Lest they
start a screwing riot and create dirty living art exhibits out of
everyone else in the cell!
Post by AJ
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make it
OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Did you see the coming attractions? Some of us didn't. What'd ya see?
Or are you going from spoilers? [if so, start a spoiler thread to
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny??
See, I didn't know that Marina knew that was the girl Jenny was
interested in. When did Marina find this out?
Post by AJ
and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that ...
she was having a bad hair day too!
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
(And I'll paste from the email what I said back to you for this:)

As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.

Chel Pompa
2004-04-06 02:24:58 UTC
marina heard al asking shane if that was the chick that jenny was dating. i
think marina's plan is to either get homechick's attention totally away from
jenny or maybe even to get spotted making a move. but wouldn't it be cool if
she were making her dating jenny a little easier? by giving her jenny's fav
book? i know it's off the wall, but so is the rest of the freaking show. as
was bette's masturbating (she's still hot though).

but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights? woah
baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play since the pilot
(from bette and that little young dude). she's totally the lindsay of this

as far as shane, it seems that she's gonna have a really good episode next
week. emotions flowing! finally!!!!

marina/karina rocks!!!!
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
This week's episode was teetering on the edge of unbelievability ...
Teetering? That's generous! :)
Post by AJ
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes and locked up
together away from the others???
Yup. The "ringleaders" had to be separated dontchaknow! Lest they
start a screwing riot and create dirty living art exhibits out of
everyone else in the cell!
Post by AJ
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make it
OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Did you see the coming attractions? Some of us didn't. What'd ya see?
Or are you going from spoilers? [if so, start a spoiler thread to
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny??
See, I didn't know that Marina knew that was the girl Jenny was
interested in. When did Marina find this out?
Post by AJ
and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that ...
she was having a bad hair day too!
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
(And I'll paste from the email what I said back to you for this:)
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
2004-04-06 03:03:58 UTC
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights? woah
baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play since the pilot
(from bette and that little young dude). she's totally the lindsay of this
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I love
it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!

Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)

Chel Pompa
2004-04-06 03:22:45 UTC
couldnt agree more. bette was actually my hero until candy cane walked in.
the bad part was that tina gets hurt really bad. and who's there to comfort
her? alice.

i just saw the show tonight on ShoToo. next week is the finale.
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights? woah
baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play since the pilot
(from bette and that little young dude). she's totally the lindsay of this
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I love
it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!
Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)
2004-04-06 23:08:13 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's
highlights? woah
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play since the pilot
(from bette and that little young dude). she's totally the lindsay of this
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I love
it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!
I had that glitch in the signal too on Sunday but they had it worked
out by the rerun on Monday.
Post by l***@large
Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)
2004-04-13 17:15:35 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights?
woah baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play
since the pilot (from bette and that little young dude). she's
totally the lindsay of this show.
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I love
it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!
Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)
Does this mean that they got the Bette/Tina dynamic right as everyone
seems ticked off that Bette is messin' Tina about? And we wouldn't care
if we weren't invested in it?

Or is everyone just annoyed that she's going off with "Carpenter Candy"
and humping walls, etc. in the process?
2004-04-14 04:18:29 UTC
Post by Ltcomdr
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights?
woah baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play
since the pilot (from bette and that little young dude). she's
totally the lindsay of this show.
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I love
it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!
Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)
Does this mean that they got the Bette/Tina dynamic right as everyone
seems ticked off that Bette is messin' Tina about? And we wouldn't care
if we weren't invested in it?
I think everyone (most everyone) said from the get-go that Tina and
Bette had chemistry, were hot, and made a great couple. What most people
hated was that they would not allow even one happy monogamous couple on
the show. So it's no wonder people are upset that Bette cheated, and we
want to see Tina kick Bette's butt for that. :)
Post by Ltcomdr
Or is everyone just annoyed that she's going off with "Carpenter Candy"
and humping walls, etc. in the process?
When people don't like a storyline they're bound to view it in a
negative light. Though they helped tremendously with making that easy.

2004-04-20 21:59:38 UTC
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Ltcomdr
Post by l***@large
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's
highlights? woah baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't
gotten any play since the pilot (from bette and that little young
dude). she's totally the lindsay of this show.
We didn't see coming attractions here. The signal was fnarked. I
love it! Tina is the one answering our bitch-slap dreams for Bette!
Hope she gives her a really GOOD whack! (Love you Bette, but you're
fucking up major.)
Does this mean that they got the Bette/Tina dynamic right as everyone
seems ticked off that Bette is messin' Tina about? And we wouldn't
care if we weren't invested in it?
I think everyone (most everyone) said from the get-go that Tina and
Bette had chemistry, were hot, and made a great couple. What most
people hated was that they would not allow even one happy monogamous
couple on the show. So it's no wonder people are upset that Bette
cheated, and we want to see Tina kick Bette's butt for that. :)
Well that's cool then.
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Ltcomdr
Or is everyone just annoyed that she's going off with "Carpenter
Candy" and humping walls, etc. in the process?
When people don't like a storyline they're bound to view it in a
negative light. Though they helped tremendously with making that easy.
I have to say she only annoyed me from the pov that she was getting in
between B&T. I thought it was a nice touch in 'Locked Up' just before
the oh so painful drywall-gate Bette is standing infront of CC and
saying she's in sooo much trouble and CC moves back on the bed and away
from her - trying to help her out...
2004-04-06 17:11:39 UTC
Post by Chel Pompa
marina heard al asking shane if that was the chick that jenny was dating.
Thanks, yeah I missed that.
Post by Chel Pompa
think marina's plan is to either get homechick's attention totally away from
jenny or maybe even to get spotted making a move.
Marina wants Jenny back. She doesn't care about Trappy. Trappy is a
means to an end. This makes Marina look as bad as Jenny.
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights? woah
baby! [...]
Slap away Tina! For all of us!

2004-04-13 17:10:30 UTC
Post by Chel Pompa
but how 'bout that slap from tina to bette on next week's highlights?
woah baby! i still hate the fact that tina hasn't gotten any play
since the pilot (from bette and that little young dude). she's totally
the lindsay of this show.
I agree she was setup as half of one of the leading stories and then
just ignored for the second half of the series. And just dragged back to
deliver "the slap". This ticked me off if for no other reason then she's
my favourite.

I know they only have so much time in each episode (and with there only
being 14 ep's in a season) but how about developing a story line a
little better? They seemed a little disjointed, it was like they were
desperate to fit in all the typical stuff - being outted, discovering
your gay, splitting up the loving couple, friends becoming more then
friends and the loner learns to love... (maybe they thought they would
only get one season?) well they have a second season to work on the
development so fingers crossed.

BTW what do you mean by "she's totally the lindsay of this show." I
don't get the reference? It's probably just a show we don't get here.
Not that we get The L word... all hail the internet.
2004-04-14 04:23:07 UTC
Post by Ltcomdr
BTW what do you mean by "she's totally the lindsay of this show."
Lindsay of Linds and Melanie on Queer As Folk.
2004-04-20 21:54:46 UTC
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Ltcomdr
BTW what do you mean by "she's totally the lindsay of this show."
Lindsay of Linds and Melanie on Queer As Folk.
Oh OK - I haven't seen that show. Again I don't think it's showing here. Is
it any good? In comparison to tLw?
2004-04-21 18:36:40 UTC
Post by Ltcomdr
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Ltcomdr
BTW what do you mean by "she's totally the lindsay of this show."
Lindsay of Linds and Melanie on Queer As Folk.
Oh OK - I haven't seen that show. Again I don't think it's showing here. Is
it any good? In comparison to tLw?
I liked the first 2 seasons a lot -- the writing was much better
quality than L-Word. Last season had mixed storylines -- some I liked,
some I didn't (but the writing itself is fine). This season is
starting off pooey imho. Just don't like where they went with

IAC it's about a bunch of men rather than women, so you can't really
compare it. If watching men doesn't interest you, then you wouldn't
like it. The token lesbian couple has very little air time.
2004-04-21 19:08:38 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Ltcomdr
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Ltcomdr
BTW what do you mean by "she's totally the lindsay of this show."
Lindsay of Linds and Melanie on Queer As Folk.
Oh OK - I haven't seen that show. Again I don't think it's showing
here. Is it any good? In comparison to tLw?
I liked the first 2 seasons a lot -- the writing was much better
quality than L-Word. Last season had mixed storylines -- some I liked,
some I didn't (but the writing itself is fine). This season is
starting off pooey imho. Just don't like where they went with
IAC it's about a bunch of men rather than women, so you can't really
compare it. If watching men doesn't interest you, then you wouldn't
like it. The token lesbian couple has very little air time.
Cool - thanks for the info.

2004-04-06 23:05:59 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
This week's episode was teetering on the edge of unbelievability ...
Teetering? That's generous! :)
Post by AJ
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes and locked up
together away from the others???
Yup. The "ringleaders" had to be separated dontchaknow! Lest they
start a screwing riot and create dirty living art exhibits out of
everyone else in the cell!
Post by AJ
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make it
OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Did you see the coming attractions? Some of us didn't. What'd ya see?
Or are you going from spoilers? [if so, start a spoiler thread to
I did so I'll keep shut .... unless you really want to know, then I'll
make a seperate thread.
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny??
See, I didn't know that Marina knew that was the girl Jenny was
interested in. When did Marina find this out?
Alice and Shane were sitting in the Planet and when Marina joined them
for a minute Alice pointed the woman out to her. When she saw Marina
going over to the table she got kinda panicky and hoped she hadn't
done a wrong thing.
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that ...
she was having a bad hair day too!
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
(And I'll paste from the email what I said back to you for this:)
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she
Post by l***@large
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
When Kit first got to the Planet (thank god they have that place
otherwise they might never run into each other :) she could pick Ivan
out and then seemed really kinda shocked to see her as a woman so I
was thinking maybe she hadn't realized that Ivan was female ... even
though Kit was emcee at the show.
2004-04-07 01:34:21 UTC
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make
it OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Did you see the coming attractions? Some of us didn't. What'd ya
see? Or are you going from spoilers? [if so, start a spoiler thread to
I did so I'll keep shut .... unless you really want to know, then I'll
make a seperate thread.
I read the spoilers too. Was just wondering which it was. Spoiler or
coming attraction.
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she
screwed up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of
the tongue.
When Kit first got to the Planet (thank god they have that place
otherwise they might never run into each other :) she could pick Ivan
out and then seemed really kinda shocked to see her as a woman so I
was thinking maybe she hadn't realized that Ivan was female ... even
though Kit was emcee at the show.
But that doesn't make sense. Kit knew it was a drag king show. She had
to know Ivan was a woman. Imo it just didn't computer with her... that
is, the drag part was computing more even though she knew better.

A bizzare storyline there too IYAM. But I suspect this is what TPTB
meant when they said they would try to incorporate 'all types of people'
if everyone just watched long enough. (Because so many people were
bitching saying they didn't have this kind of person, nor that kind,

The L Wolf
2004-04-07 01:50:51 UTC
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny??
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that
she was having a bad hair day too!
When Marina came onscreen, I said "What is up with her hair?" and ***@large didn't
seem to notice -- my comment or the hair (LOL), Marina's not her ball o wax, I
guess -- she was busy staring at the screen with a confused look on her face
trying to make sense of the frigging ep! But I did wonder what Marina's deal was,
maybe she's gone rasta or something, smoking pot (though we did see her actually
brushing her hair in one ep, so we know she knows how...). If she has turned to
wacky weed in her misery, maybe she shouldn't smoke it but sell it instead and
raise some funding to buy the Planet, or another hairbrush.
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
When Kit first got to the Planet (thank god they have that place
otherwise they might never run into each other :) she could pick Ivan
out and then seemed really kinda shocked to see her as a woman so I
was thinking maybe she hadn't realized that Ivan was female ... even
though Kit was emcee at the show.
I think Kit knew Ivan was female but was confused by her own reaction towards
Ivan, which is... what exactly?? I'm so pissed they're even adding Kit to the
whole free-flow-let's-all-be-bisexual lovefest. What crap. Kit is straight, and
she is a totally cool straight woman. Isn't it enough that she is supportive of
her sister and is a DJ at The Planet and one of the gang? Why do the writers have
to fuck up her character as well? Are any of these characters allowed to know who
they are?? I don't think so, now even Kit has fallen victim to wishy-washy
characterization. Kit would not fall for a woman, drag-king or not. I like the
friendship between Ivan and Kit because they are so dissimilar but have some
common ground with their sobriety and that bit of common sense they both seem to
share. That is all cool. But the whole reaction/attraction thing they've got Kit
bending around is just more annoying character assassination. All in my humble
opinion, of course. <g>

Chel Pompa
2004-04-07 03:19:04 UTC
marina has hair? she talks? hummm, never noticed...

she rocks!
Post by The L Wolf
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny??
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that
she was having a bad hair day too!
seem to notice -- my comment or the hair (LOL), Marina's not her ball o wax, I
guess -- she was busy staring at the screen with a confused look on her face
trying to make sense of the frigging ep! But I did wonder what Marina's deal was,
maybe she's gone rasta or something, smoking pot (though we did see her actually
brushing her hair in one ep, so we know she knows how...). If she has turned to
wacky weed in her misery, maybe she shouldn't smoke it but sell it instead and
raise some funding to buy the Planet, or another hairbrush.
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
When Kit first got to the Planet (thank god they have that place
otherwise they might never run into each other :) she could pick Ivan
out and then seemed really kinda shocked to see her as a woman so I
was thinking maybe she hadn't realized that Ivan was female ... even
though Kit was emcee at the show.
I think Kit knew Ivan was female but was confused by her own reaction towards
Ivan, which is... what exactly?? I'm so pissed they're even adding Kit to the
whole free-flow-let's-all-be-bisexual lovefest. What crap. Kit is straight, and
she is a totally cool straight woman. Isn't it enough that she is supportive of
her sister and is a DJ at The Planet and one of the gang? Why do the writers have
to fuck up her character as well? Are any of these characters allowed to know who
they are?? I don't think so, now even Kit has fallen victim to wishy-washy
characterization. Kit would not fall for a woman, drag-king or not. I like the
friendship between Ivan and Kit because they are so dissimilar but have some
common ground with their sobriety and that bit of common sense they both seem to
share. That is all cool. But the whole reaction/attraction thing they've got Kit
bending around is just more annoying character assassination. All in my humble
opinion, of course. <g>
2004-04-13 18:06:50 UTC
Post by The L Wolf
Post by AJ
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew
Ivan from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say
with that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she
screwed up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of
the tongue.
When Kit first got to the Planet (thank god they have that place
otherwise they might never run into each other :) she could pick
Ivan out and then seemed really kinda shocked to see her as a woman
so I was thinking maybe she hadn't realized that Ivan was female ...
even though Kit was emcee at the show.
I think Kit knew Ivan was female but was confused by her own reaction
towards Ivan, which is... what exactly?? I'm so pissed they're even
adding Kit to the whole free-flow-let's-all-be-bisexual lovefest. What
crap. Kit is straight, and she is a totally cool straight woman. Isn't
it enough that she is supportive of her sister and is a DJ at The
Planet and one of the gang? Why do the writers have to fuck up her
character as well? Are any of these characters allowed to know who
they are?? I don't think so, now even Kit has fallen victim to
wishy-washy characterization. Kit would not fall for a woman,
drag-king or not. I like the friendship between Ivan and Kit because
they are so dissimilar but have some common ground with their sobriety
and that bit of common sense they both seem to share. That is all
cool. But the whole reaction/attraction thing they've got Kit bending
around is just more annoying character assassination. All in my humble
opinion, of course. <g>
I know! What's up with that? Are they trying to make the world lesbian?
A kind of... if you spend enough time with lesbian's you too may fall
pray to the 'lesbian lifestyle'?
I'm not so sure? Most have spent their life surrounded by straight
people and they're still gay but maybe it doesn't work both ways?

The writers of this show are gay aren't they? (at least one or two)
SURELY they would see how ill conceived and well... crap an idea it is?
Sorry for the rant but that did really stink.
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-07 03:46:22 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
Inconsistent writing strikes again? During the scene at The Planet when
Kit and Ivan are discussing their mutual addiction, it appears that Kit
is aware Ivan is a woman. But later, a big deal is made of Kit not
recognizing Ivan out of costume; she seems completely nonplussed when
she realizes that Ivan is a woman. When she refers to Ivan as "he,"
it's after she's discovered Ivan is a woman, and the "he" *is* a slip.
2004-04-07 04:52:33 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
Inconsistent writing strikes again? During the scene at The Planet when
Kit and Ivan are discussing their mutual addiction, it appears that Kit
is aware Ivan is a woman. But later, a big deal is made of Kit not
recognizing Ivan out of costume; she seems completely nonplussed when
she realizes that Ivan is a woman.
I read that as Kit being nonplussed to see Ivan out of drag with long
blonde hair looking more feminine than masculine. (Though she didn't
look any different to me but I thought that's what they were trying to
Post by Tulgey Wood
When she refers to Ivan as "he,"
it's after she's discovered Ivan is a woman, and the "he" *is* a slip.
Right... which I took to mean Kit is basically taken with Ivan's male
energy... that she is responding to her as she would respond to a man,
even without meaning to. But that's just my guess. Who knows what
they're really trying to say!

I know they got criticized for having " the same kind of lesbians" all
starring, and their response was that we would see many different types
of characters come and go as minor characters to give everyone their
due. I guess that's why we have a literal circus moving through this
show from week to week! That's one area they are trying *too* hard to
please, IYAM.
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-09 03:49:18 UTC
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
As for Kit, I don't think she mistook Ivan for male -- she knew Ivan
from the Drag King show. I think what they were trying to say with
that is that Kit is responding to Ivan's 'male energy' -- i.e.
responding sexually as if Ivan were a man, so much so that she screwed
up the pronoun and referred to Ivan as "he" by a slip of the tongue.
Inconsistent writing strikes again? During the scene at The Planet when
Kit and Ivan are discussing their mutual addiction, it appears that Kit
is aware Ivan is a woman. But later, a big deal is made of Kit not
recognizing Ivan out of costume; she seems completely nonplussed when
she realizes that Ivan is a woman.
I read that as Kit being nonplussed to see Ivan out of drag with long
blonde hair looking more feminine than masculine. (Though she didn't
look any different to me but I thought that's what they were trying to
The only different she looked to me was out-of-costume different, and I
knew immediately that the blonde waving at Kit from a distance was Ivan.
But Kit didn't. The whole thing was weird. I gotta wonder what point
they're trying to make by (1) having Kit not recognize Ivan, then (2) be
taken aback when she *does* recognize Ivan, and (3) having her refer to
Ivan as "he" long after the original scene has (supposedly) lost its
Post by l***@large.com
Post by Tulgey Wood
When she refers to Ivan as "he,"
it's after she's discovered Ivan is a woman, and the "he" *is* a slip.
Right... which I took to mean Kit is basically taken with Ivan's male
energy... that she is responding to her as she would respond to a man,
even without meaning to. But that's just my guess. Who knows what
they're really trying to say!
Post by l***@large.com
I know they got criticized for having " the same kind of lesbians" all
starring, and their response was that we would see many different types
of characters come and go as minor characters to give everyone their
due. I guess that's why we have a literal circus moving through this
show from week to week! That's one area they are trying *too* hard to
please, IYAM.
That seems to be the case, but then you gotta wonder in light of that
why one of TPTB claimed in the pre-season short (About The L Word, I
think it was called) that they didn't intend to portray every possible
lesbian type because the task would be monumentally...impossible.
2004-04-13 16:54:43 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by AJ
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes and locked up
together away from the others???
Yup. The "ringleaders" had to be separated dontchaknow! Lest they
start a screwing riot and create dirty living art exhibits out of
everyone else in the cell!
LOL! You know I think you maybe on to something there... I have to
wonder which would be the least plausible... humm... the "screwing riot
/ create dirty living art exhibits" or Bette humping a WALL... oh yes...
in jail (could you think of something more embarrassing to do in front
of your prospective lover?)?? OMG come on! What are you guys thinking
writing this?

I have to admit I laughed my ass off when I watched this first. So maybe
from a comedy perspective it has a place in the show?
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-07 03:45:25 UTC
Post by AJ
Finally RR added alt.tv.the-l-word to the list of newsgroups!
I'm just going to paste in somethings I said to LatLarge about this ep
and then I'll start keeping up with the conversation ... I'm so happy
to be here!!!
Yay!! :-)
Post by AJ
This week's episode was teetering on the edge of unbelievability ...
Bette and the carpenter are given sexy jail clothes
Yeah, could you believe those tops?...cutesy little Gap henleys with
INMATE printed on back in trendy stencil font and buttons undone to
display heaving cleavage. Gritty prison reality, that.
Post by AJ
and locked up together away from the others???
(I suppose their struggle to stay away from each other will make it
OK for Bette to give in next ep.)
Post by AJ
Marina trying to make time with circus girl that she knows is
interested in Jenny?? and at the same time trying to scrape up enough
dough to buy the Planet from Francesca and along with all that ...
she was having a bad hair day too!
She's reverting back to Marina, Homeless Beach Bummette of the Italian
Riviera. Ugh. Anyway, I'm sick of the whole Marina/Francesca scene.
Post by AJ
Kit being fooled into thinking Ivan was a male??? No damn way.
Oh, yeah. Suddenly Kit has the sensibilities of a pink-bloused,
Volvo-driving, sorority chick. How insulting--to Ivan, and to Kit.
Post by AJ
I really hope next season they introduce a little sanity in the
A little would go a long way in this show, especially after that last ep
(what was it called, anyway...Losers R Us?).
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-06 04:07:24 UTC
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
IMO, this is the absolute worst. It definitely ranks as #1 of my picks
for the worst episodes of a series ever aired on television (XWP's
Married With Fishsticks is #2, and everything else is a nauseating
Post by l***@large.com
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
So stupid. And as if. As if.... As if Bette is completely unaware
that quite a bit of the time she puts her work before her relationship.
How far is this woman going to devolve? This week her brains are have
dropped into her crotch, and she goes about totally out of control,
pelvis first, without thought of anything else. The only rational
explanation is that she's having testosterone injections in advance of a
sex change.
Post by l***@large.com
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Since when do museum directors deal directly with carpenters? In the
first place, the carpenter wouldn't be the display designer. And in the
second place, the carpenter would deal with a director's assistant, not
the director. If the carpenter wants something brought to the
director's attention, she takes it to the assistant and the assistant
takes it to the director.
Post by l***@large.com
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
That was the only time I laughed during the ep. Most of the time I was
wincing or cringing or retching or saying WTF? But thank you, Alice,
for the comic relief. (Notice the fundie flirtee is wearing *pink*.
What is it with this lot and pink-bloused fascists?)
Post by l***@large.com
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More regurgitation
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
It went by so fast, I barely noticed it. Now, given the ep's extreme
crappiness, I wonder why they even bothered to write that scene. =O
Post by l***@large.com
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?>
Prison matron showing she has the powah. But it's not until Pam Grier
shows up at the jail that I have a sudden flash of '70s déjà vu and
realize I'm watching a remake of Black Mama, White Mama.
Post by l***@large.com
Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
How else to get Bette and Carpenter Candy into a cell alone so they can
play pretend fucksies?
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals.
God, yes. I was *embarrassed* for her.
Post by l***@large.com
I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote.
I can. The story and characterizations don't need to make sense because
the series is little more than wanking material for straight men.
Post by l***@large.com
What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air
After this ep, I can think of only one thing it's good for. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Post by l***@large.com
but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by masturbating
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be thinking
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
Too right. :-(
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
Wha...we do???

Do we also know that Dana is going to kill Tanya, International Fucktard
of the Century?

Good god. It's bloody Dana's fault for dragging that beotch home in the
first place. Alarms should have gone off all over the place when Tanya
starting dissing cats right off the bat. And to leave a cat with
thyroid to be medicated by a cretinous halfwit who dislikes cats? Dana
needs an arse-kicking, as well. At *least*.

(If anyone even *looked* at my cat with anything less than complete
adoration, I'd rip off their head and toss it into the street to be
crushed into mush under the wheels of taxicabs.)
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
*And* dressed for arrest. They looked stinky and grunged out when they
arrived on scene. How thoughtful of them.
Post by l***@large.com
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That invoked
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
No kidding. Suddenly, she's homeless. Or suddenly, she can't wait with
her friends, or at a table at The Planet. Or even in her car outside
Cheri's house, which is only just as pathetic as waiting at the jail,
but not quite as pointless? Hello? Why are you waiting at the jail,
boobiot? Lame doesn't begin to describe *that* scenario.
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time,
I don't like her. :-P
Post by l***@large.com
had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? (Jenny,
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight.
She overheard Shane and Alice notice Robin in the audience. Alice said
to Shane (or Shane said to Alice--I don't recall and no way am I
watching that disaster again to see who said what) something like,
"isn't that the woman Jenny has a date with?" She's trying to one-up
the Jennster. Or stop her dating. Or something. Actually, just what
the hell she's trying to do is anyone's guess, but whatever it is, it's
underhanded and mean.
Post by l***@large.com
And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making poodle noises
outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg it back to
Italy never to be heard from again.
Post by l***@large.com
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Sane, as in *not* a fuckwit? I disagree. :-P
Post by l***@large.com
Even talking to manatees.
Nothing wrong with talking to manatees...unless they're not manatees,
but whales (if nothing else, the blow hole should have been a dead
giveaway), and even then, mistaking a whale for a manatee means you're a
fuckwit, not insane, necessarily.
Post by l***@large.com
And she was right!
Welllll...okay. (But only because I unnecessarily gave her the irrits
over the Indigo Girls thing.) ;-)
Post by l***@large.com
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
So true. But nutter Jenny lunged for Robin, and I reckon 99% of it was
the ever-manipulative Jenny displaying for the benefit of Tim and his
disgusting friends (since when did Tim start hanging with raunchoid
fratty boys?).
Post by l***@large.com
More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
Post by l***@large.com
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what??
For picking up fratty boys and bringing them home to get off on his
wife's date with a lesbian, of course.
Post by l***@large.com
He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
Call me a hippie, but unless they're trying for a pity fuck, since when
do men confess feelings of inadequacy to women?
2004-04-06 17:20:41 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
IMO, this is the absolute worst. It definitely ranks as #1 of my picks
for the worst episodes of a series ever aired on television
Those were the exact words I used for Lawfully, the ep written by Rose
Troche. But this one tied it.
Post by Tulgey Wood
(XWP's Married With Fishsticks is #2, and everything else is a
nauseating blur).
(Was that an intentional quote from Desert Hearts? Viv [after being
humiliated by being thrown out of the ranch by Frances for staying out
all night with Cay]: "All I remembering is arriving. The rest is a
blur. An absolute blur.")
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
So stupid. And as if. As if.... As if Bette is completely unaware
that quite a bit of the time she puts her work before her relationship.
How far is this woman going to devolve? This week her brains are have
dropped into her crotch, and she goes about totally out of control,
pelvis first, without thought of anything else. The only rational
explanation is that she's having testosterone injections in advance of a
sex change.
ROTFLMAO! [suddenly stops laughing] Hey. That *would* explain it. :-D
Post by Tulgey Wood
Since when do museum directors deal directly with carpenters? In the
first place, the carpenter wouldn't be the display designer. And in the
second place, the carpenter would deal with a director's assistant, not
the director. If the carpenter wants something brought to the
director's attention, she takes it to the assistant and the assistant
takes it to the director.
Yeah, of course, now that you mention it. Even *that* was stupid.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me hairballs.
And not in a good way.
How else to get Bette and Carpenter Candy into a cell alone so they can
play pretend fucksies?
Transparent devices run rampant on this show.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals.
God, yes. I was *embarrassed* for her.
LOL. We were too. I just hope having her back in the spotlight again
will do great things for her career. That other, better opportunities
will follow after L-Word goes kaputzoid. And that goes for the rest of
the cast too.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
Wha...we do???
It's obvious isn't it? She spent all of her screen time staring
hatefully at Mr. Piddles while Dana diddled around getting ready to go
to work. They more than made the point that Tanya feels Mr. Piddles is
between them. Dana is sharing her affections with Mr. Piddles. We
already know Tanya doesn't like sharing Dana with anyone (witness her
extreme rancor towards Dana's fans in P.S.). Mr. Piddles is about to
become Mr. Puddles.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Do we also know that Dana is going to kill Tanya, International Fucktard
of the Century?
And ruin the show with good writing? :-D
Post by Tulgey Wood
Good god. It's bloody Dana's fault for dragging that beotch home in the
first place. Alarms should have gone off all over the place when Tanya
starting dissing cats right off the bat. And to leave a cat with
thyroid to be medicated by a cretinous halfwit who dislikes cats? Dana
needs an arse-kicking, as well. At *least*.
I'll get in line.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
*And* dressed for arrest. They looked stinky and grunged out when they
arrived on scene. How thoughtful of them.
"Dressed for arrest"! Too funny!
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time,
I don't like her. :-P
I never did either. I only said the above b/c all of my initial posts
here ranked on her terribly for her bad acting. She did get better as
the season progressed. She's better when they have her interacting
with the other girls in a group situation. But it seems they haven't
decided on a personality for her yet. At first she was cold and aloof,
then she became a "girlfriend" (to the girls) in a couple of ep's,
caring and sweet, and now she's a two-faced creep again like she was
before. Musical Marina... where she stops nobody knows. And I don't
care. (Though plenty of others like her a lot.)
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? ... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight.
She overheard Shane and Alice notice Robin in the audience. Alice said
to Shane (or Shane said to Alice--I don't recall and no way am I
watching that disaster again to see who said what) something like,
"isn't that the woman Jenny has a date with?"
Okay, yeah, I missed that.
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's trying to one-up
the Jennster. Or stop her dating. Or something. Actually, just what
the hell she's trying to do is anyone's guess, but whatever it is, it's
underhanded and mean.
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making poodle noises
outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg it back to
Italy never to be heard from again.
ROTF!! From what I understand Marina was never supposed to be on the
show past the first season, but she was such a big hit with the fans
(go figure but you and I are in a minority....) that there is a chance
they have asked her to do season two. I know when Karina was
interviewed they asked of she was going to do S2 and she said if she
was asked, she would, Which sent all her fans into a craze, sending
petitions in and all.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
So true. But nutter Jenny lunged for Robin, and I reckon 99% of it was
the ever-manipulative Jenny displaying for the benefit of Tim and his
disgusting friends (since when did Tim start hanging with raunchoid
fratty boys?).
When he lost his wife? <g>
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
[...] When it cleared
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
Call me a hippie, but unless they're trying for a pity fuck, since when
do men confess feelings of inadequacy to women?
More trash can lids falling...

The L Wolf
2004-04-09 01:17:23 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time,
I don't like her. :-P
Really? I'd never have guessed. :-P
Post by l***@large
I never did either. I only said the above b/c all of my initial posts
here ranked on her terribly for her bad acting. She did get better as
the season progressed. She's better when they have her interacting
with the other girls in a group situation. But it seems they haven't
decided on a personality for her yet. At first she was cold and aloof,
then she became a "girlfriend" (to the girls) in a couple of ep's,
caring and sweet, and now she's a two-faced creep again like she was
before. Musical Marina... where she stops nobody knows. And I don't
care. (Though plenty of others like her a lot.)
I don't either, as long as she's being Musical Marina in a tank top or spaghetti
strap dress.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? ... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight.
She overheard Shane and Alice notice Robin in the audience. Alice said
to Shane (or Shane said to Alice--I don't recall and no way am I
watching that disaster again to see who said what) something like,
"isn't that the woman Jenny has a date with?"
Okay, yeah, I missed that.
(You were busy fuming, sweetie.)
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's trying to one-up
the Jennster. Or stop her dating. Or something. Actually, just what
the hell she's trying to do is anyone's guess, but whatever it is, it's
underhanded and mean.
Yeah, well, no one's perfect. :D
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making poodle noises
outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg it back to
Italy never to be heard from again.
Noooooo! Well... maybe if she takes the poodle-yelper with her...
Post by l***@large
ROTF!! From what I understand Marina was never supposed to be on the
show past the first season, but she was such a big hit with the fans
(go figure but you and I are in a minority....) that there is a chance
they have asked her to do season two. I know when Karina was
interviewed they asked of she was going to do S2 and she said if she
was asked, she would, Which sent all her fans into a craze, sending
petitions in and all.
As in...


I mass mailed my 2500 letters this afternoon. Hey, AJ, did you get yours sent out?

2004-04-09 18:33:15 UTC
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time,
I don't like her. :-P
Really? I'd never have guessed. :-P
Post by l***@large
I never did either. I only said the above b/c all of my initial posts
here ranked on her terribly for her bad acting. She did get better as
the season progressed. She's better when they have her interacting
with the other girls in a group situation. But it seems they
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large
decided on a personality for her yet. At first she was cold and aloof,
then she became a "girlfriend" (to the girls) in a couple of ep's,
caring and sweet, and now she's a two-faced creep again like she was
before. Musical Marina... where she stops nobody knows. And I don't
care. (Though plenty of others like her a lot.)
I don't either, as long as she's being Musical Marina in a tank top or spaghetti
strap dress.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act??? ... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight.
She overheard Shane and Alice notice Robin in the audience.
Alice said
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
to Shane (or Shane said to Alice--I don't recall and no way am I
watching that disaster again to see who said what) something like,
"isn't that the woman Jenny has a date with?"
Okay, yeah, I missed that.
(You were busy fuming, sweetie.)
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's trying to one-up
the Jennster. Or stop her dating. Or something. Actually, just what
the hell she's trying to do is anyone's guess, but whatever it is, it's
underhanded and mean.
Yeah, well, no one's perfect. :D
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making
poodle noises
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg it back to
Italy never to be heard from again.
Noooooo! Well... maybe if she takes the poodle-yelper with her...
Post by l***@large
ROTF!! From what I understand Marina was never supposed to be on the
show past the first season, but she was such a big hit with the fans
(go figure but you and I are in a minority....) that there is a chance
they have asked her to do season two. I know when Karina was
interviewed they asked of she was going to do S2 and she said if she
was asked, she would, Which sent all her fans into a craze,
Post by The L Wolf
Post by l***@large
petitions in and all.
As in...
I mass mailed my 2500 letters this afternoon. Hey, AJ, did you get yours sent out?
I'm on it!!
2004-04-09 21:26:10 UTC
Post by The L Wolf
I love Karina Lombard as Marina. She is hot!
Tulgey Wood
2004-04-09 03:47:44 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
IMO, this is the absolute worst. It definitely ranks as #1 of my picks
for the worst episodes of a series ever aired on television
Those were the exact words I used for Lawfully, the ep written by Rose
Troche. But this one tied it.
Post by Tulgey Wood
(XWP's Married With Fishsticks is #2, and everything else is a
nauseating blur).
(Was that an intentional quote from Desert Hearts? Viv [after being
humiliated by being thrown out of the ranch by Frances for staying out
all night with Cay]: "All I remembering is arriving. The rest is a
blur. An absolute blur.")
Not intentional--everything else really *is* a nauseating blur. I don't
recall details such as ep titles, I just recall retching and gagging.

Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
As if Bette is completely unaware
that quite a bit of the time she puts her work before her relationship.
How far is this woman going to devolve? This week her brains are have
dropped into her crotch, and she goes about totally out of control,
pelvis first, without thought of anything else. The only rational
explanation is that she's having testosterone injections in advance of a
sex change.
ROTFLMAO! [suddenly stops laughing] Hey. That *would* explain it. :-D
Unfortunately. :-O~~~~~~~~~~~~

Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals.
God, yes. I was *embarrassed* for her.
LOL. We were too. I just hope having her back in the spotlight again
will do great things for her career. That other, better opportunities
will follow after L-Word goes kaputzoid.
Which may be sooner than later, if they keep going down the road they're
on. Regarding Beals's career--it seems to have been derailed in great
part by her marriage to an indie filmmaker--apparently he cast her in
several of his films, and he weren't no Joel Coen. I understand she was
Duchovny's preference for the Scully part in TXF. If she'd landed that,
her career might not need a boost these days.
Post by l***@large
And that goes for the rest of the cast too.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
Wha...we do???
It's obvious isn't it? She spent all of her screen time staring
hatefully at Mr. Piddles while Dana diddled around getting ready to go
to work.
Not to mention she shoved him off the bed. That bed *belongs* to Mr
Piddles, and I'll bet he never consented to Tanya crawling into it.
(Maybe Mr Piddles will kill Tanya, instead of the other way round.)
Post by l***@large
They more than made the point that Tanya feels Mr. Piddles is
between them. Dana is sharing her affections with Mr. Piddles. We
already know Tanya doesn't like sharing Dana with anyone (witness her
extreme rancor towards Dana's fans in P.S.). Mr. Piddles is about to
become Mr. Puddles.
Maybe it'll be that Tanya just accidentally on purpose forgets to give
him a few doses of his meds, resulting in an emergency trip to the vet,
resulting in Dana kicking Tanya's arse into the street, resulting in
Tanya going stalkers on Dana, resulting in Dana calling the cops,
resulting in Tanya being arrested and sentenced to life in whatever
prison California keeps its criminally insane. :-D
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Do we also know that Dana is going to kill Tanya, International Fucktard
of the Century?
And ruin the show with good writing? :-D
Well, we can't expect total consistency, can we? ;-P

Post by l***@large
From what I understand Marina was never supposed to be on the
show past the first season, but she was such a big hit with the fans
(go figure but you and I are in a minority....) that there is a chance
they have asked her to do season two. I know when Karina was
interviewed they asked of she was going to do S2 and she said if she
was asked, she would, Which sent all her fans into a craze, sending
petitions in and all.
Is it Marina KL's fans like, or do they just like KL and want her to
stay on the show even if she does play a not nice person? AFAIC, Marina
has zero redeeming qualities. KL, OTOH, is probably a very nice woman.

Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
So everyone says. I was warned off in time to miss it on purpose. :-)
2004-04-10 18:51:01 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the minute and
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing, groaning,
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals.
God, yes. I was *embarrassed* for her.
LOL. We were too. I just hope having her back in the spotlight again
will do great things for her career. That other, better opportunities
will follow after L-Word goes kaputzoid.
Which may be sooner than later, if they keep going down the road they're
There was a rumor that because the ratings had dropped to a two-share
filming for S2 was being delayed... as if maybe the suits were
changing their minds. However I have no idea if it was just rumor. At
the same time it surfaced Beals was on Letterman and said filming for
S2 was to start in June, so who knows.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Regarding Beals's career--it seems to have been derailed in great
part by her marriage to an indie filmmaker--apparently he cast her in
several of his films, and he weren't no Joel Coen. I understand she was
Duchovny's preference for the Scully part in TXF. If she'd landed that,
her career might not need a boost these days.
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
husband. O'Reilly intimated the same thing when she was on with Ilene
a few episodes into this season. When he said she hasn't done much
since Flashdance and implied this high-profile controversial series
would put her back to work, she said that she had done dozens of films
(she might have even said a hundred -- I can't remember her exact
wording but the impression it left with me was like a hundred films)
since Flashdance but that they were smaller films, and that she'd been
working right along and was very happy her career. I suppose when
you're an actor with the bulk of them being out of work at any given
time, if she's acted all along, she considers herself lucky. Even if
the films are coming from her not-so-brilliantly-successful, but
still-steady-working indy husband.

Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
They more than made the point that Tanya feels Mr. Piddles is
between them. Dana is sharing her affections with Mr. Piddles. We
already know Tanya doesn't like sharing Dana with anyone (witness her
extreme rancor towards Dana's fans in P.S.). Mr. Piddles is about to
become Mr. Puddles.
Maybe it'll be that Tanya just accidentally on purpose forgets to give
him a few doses of his meds, resulting in an emergency trip to the vet,
resulting in Dana kicking Tanya's arse into the street, resulting in
Tanya going stalkers on Dana, resulting in Dana calling the cops,
resulting in Tanya being arrested and sentenced to life in whatever
prison California keeps its criminally insane. :-D
LOL! Get this woman a desk and a working draft!
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
From what I understand Marina was never supposed to be on the
show past the first season, but she was such a big hit with the fans
(go figure but you and I are in a minority....) that there is a chance
they have asked her to do season two. I know when Karina was
interviewed they asked of she was going to do S2 and she said if she
was asked, she would, Which sent all her fans into a craze, sending
petitions in and all.
Is it Marina KL's fans like, or do they just like KL and want her to
stay on the show even if she does play a not nice person?
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. (I'm sure a few recognized her from
Legends of the Fall [played Brad Pitts wife] and other small roles,
but for the most part...) However she completely mesmerized them in
the opening ep's where she swept Jenny off her feet. Some people (a
lot of people) think she's all-that-and-a-bag-o-chips.
Post by Tulgey Wood
AFAIC, Marina
has zero redeeming qualities. KL, OTOH, is probably a very nice woman.
Anyone's nice in the right company. :) (Not snarky -- agreeing with
you.) Friends, people they love... In terms of the show, there was
rumors she is very difficult to work with. That she's a diva and isn't
all that popular with others on the set. But I have no idea how true
that is. It could be bull.

IAC she does nothing for me and I never liked her acting. I think it's
very weak. Was downright bad at the beginning imo. Then like you say,
they never gave her any redeeming qualities. They started to, in the
Listen Up ep where she's B.S.'ing with the girls and Dana is fretting
about telling her parents. Marina kind of tells Dana her magazine
spread is going to have the girls flocking all around her and does
this "rrrow rrrow" cute little thing just as the camera cuts away. I
could see from that little scene (imo anyway) that she plays "casual"
and even "caring pal" much better than she plays "cold". To be fair to
her it doesn't seem like they ever decided how they wanted Marina's
character to be. It's like they changed her from ep to ep depending on
what else was happening. One week she's a pal, the next she's a bitch,
the next she's sweet, the next she's a backstabber... Musical Marina.
Not her fault, of course. And too bad. As a pal she could have been
fun (even going through everything she did with Jenny, but written
slightly differently to be a little more compassionate). The idea of a
cast member with a Euro-feel provides a nice contrast from the rest of
the cast who are all very L.A. So I hope they doi bring her back. I
just hope they decide WTF they're doing with her and let her be a real
person of *some* type.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
So everyone says. I was warned off in time to miss it on purpose. :-)
But too late for L-Word! ;)
The L Wolf
2004-04-11 00:40:37 UTC
<***@large> wrote:

re: Karina/Marina
Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. (I'm sure a few recognized her from
Legends of the Fall [played Brad Pitts wife] and other small roles,
but for the most part...) However she completely mesmerized them in
the opening ep's where she swept Jenny off her feet. Some people (a
lot of people) think she's all-that-and-a-bag-o-chips.
Free-to-Lay? :)
Post by l***@large
The idea of a
cast member with a Euro-feel provides a nice contrast from the rest of
the cast who are all very L.A. So I hope they doi bring her back.
doi? <g>
Post by l***@large
I just hope they decide WTF they're doing with her and let her be a real
person of *some* type.
Right after they let Jenny be a real person of some type...
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
So everyone says. I was warned off in time to miss it on purpose. :-)
But too late for L-Word! ;)
One more ep! And then we're free to watch... um... well....

::looks in TV guide for other L-type shows::

::looks beneath the couch cushions::

::flips through 900 satellite channels:::

::imagines tumbleweeds rolling by over the blue screen background:::

sigh. Back to subtext. Shit.

Tulgey Wood
2004-04-12 03:04:32 UTC
[re Jennifer Beals:]
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
I just hope having her back in the spotlight again will do great
things for her career. That other, better opportunities will follow
after L-Word goes kaputzoid.
Which may be sooner than later, if they keep going down the road
they're on.
There was a rumor that because the ratings had dropped to a two-share
filming for S2 was being delayed... as if maybe the suits were
changing their minds. However I have no idea if it was just rumor. At
the same time it surfaced Beals was on Letterman and said filming for
S2 was to start in June, so who knows.
It may be a case of one hand not knowing what the other is up to...or
not. Who knows?
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Regarding Beals's career--it seems to have been derailed in great
part by her marriage to an indie filmmaker--apparently he cast her
in several of his films, and he weren't no Joel Coen. I understand
she was Duchovny's preference for the Scully part in TXF. If she'd
landed that, her career might not need a boost these days.
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
Ex-husband. And she might, if their divorce were amicable, and if she
isn't bitter that he took-the-best-years-of-my-life-yada-yada, or if
she doesn't harbor any other of a multitude of venomous hard feelings.
Post by l***@large
O'Reilly intimated the same thing when she was on with Ilene
a few episodes into this season. When he said she hasn't done much
since Flashdance and implied this high-profile controversial series
would put her back to work, she said that she had done dozens of films
(she might have even said a hundred -- I can't remember her exact
wording but the impression it left with me was like a hundred films)
Don't know if IMDb has her complete filmography, but:

Post by l***@large
since Flashdance but that they were smaller films, and that she'd been
working right along and was very happy her career. I suppose when
you're an actor with the bulk of them being out of work at any given
time, if she's acted all along, she considers herself lucky.
So right. People who aren't actors or who aren't associated with the
entertainment industry usually assume that an actor's career is a
failure unless s/he is dazzlingly famous and appears in successful
mainstream films or in hit television series and such. It's likely that
the majority of SAG members consider themselves successful if they have
steady work throughout.
Post by l***@large
Even if the films are coming from her not-so-brilliantly-successful,
but still-steady-working indy husband.
Actually, I was speaking to your comment above: "I just hope having her
back in the spotlight again will do great things for her career. That
other, better opportunities will follow after L-Word goes kaputzoid."
IOW, I assumed you meant because she'd been out of the spotlight that
her career needed great things done for it. Sorry for the

BTW, by O'Reilly you don't mean that tragic arsehole on Fox? But then,
who else would it be? Why were JB and Ilene Whatsis on his program?
Had he focussed his usual homophobic dross on TLW and had they appeared
on his program to challenge it? <snort> One of these days people will
get a clue and stop validating that idiot's toxic world view by refusing
to appear on his program.

Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. (I'm sure a few recognized her from
Legends of the Fall [played Brad Pitts wife] and other small roles,
but for the most part...) However she completely mesmerized them in
the opening ep's where she swept Jenny off her feet. Some people (a
lot of people) think she's all-that-and-a-bag-o-chips.
LOL! Well, granted, she *is* a beautiful woman, but she's done nothing
for me in the context of this show.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
AFAIC, Marina has zero redeeming qualities. KL, OTOH, is probably a
very nice woman.
Anyone's nice in the right company. :) (Not snarky -- agreeing with
you.) Friends, people they love... In terms of the show, there was
rumors she is very difficult to work with. That she's a diva and isn't
all that popular with others on the set. But I have no idea how true
that is. It could be bull.
I'm sure they'll have all the facts sorted on Entertainment Tonight. ;-D
Post by l***@large
IAC she does nothing for me and I never liked her acting. I think it's
very weak. Was downright bad at the beginning imo. Then like you say,
they never gave her any redeeming qualities. They started to, in the
Listen Up ep where she's B.S.'ing with the girls and Dana is fretting
about telling her parents. Marina kind of tells Dana her magazine
spread is going to have the girls flocking all around her and does
this "rrrow rrrow" cute little thing just as the camera cuts away.
Maybe that scene was a filmed rehearsal that turned out better than any
of the formal takes. Or not. :-)
Post by l***@large
I could see from that little scene (imo anyway) that she plays
"casual" and even "caring pal" much better than she plays "cold". To
be fair to her it doesn't seem like they ever decided how they wanted
Marina's character to be. It's like they changed her from ep to ep
depending on what else was happening. One week she's a pal, the next
she's a bitch, the next she's sweet, the next she's a backstabber...
Musical Marina. Not her fault, of course. And too bad. As a pal she
could have been fun (even going through everything she did with
Jenny, but written slightly differently to be a little more
Agreed. Good points. Marina *is* all over the place. To compensate
for the spastic writing, a more experienced actor might have pulled the
character together a bit more than KL was able to do.
Post by l***@large
The idea of a cast member with a Euro-feel provides a nice contrast
from the rest of the cast who are all very L.A.
Blasphemy! ;-P But yes, I do occasionally enjoy Euro trash cinema...
Post by l***@large
So I hope they doi bring her back. I just hope they decide WTF they're
doing with her and let her be a real person of *some* type.
...though I really can't stand Marina. If she were a bit less mercenary
and managed to show even a smidge of regard for someone other than
herself, then I might warm to her. But as she is now, I won't be
disappointed if she doesn't make the cut for S2.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by Tulgey Wood
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
So everyone says. I was warned off in time to miss it on purpose. :-)
But too late for L-Word! ;)
Too late for The L-Word, but I'm glad to have had the opportunity to dis
it with such fine company. :-D
2004-04-12 18:14:23 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
There was a rumor that because the ratings had dropped to a two-share
filming for S2 was being delayed... as if maybe the suits were
changing their minds. However I have no idea if it was just rumor. At
the same time it surfaced Beals was on Letterman and said filming for
S2 was to start in June, so who knows.
It may be a case of one hand not knowing what the other is up to...or
not. Who knows?
Yeah. We'll have to see.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Regarding Beals's career--it seems to have been derailed in great
part by her marriage to an indie filmmaker--apparently he cast her
in several of his films, and he weren't no Joel Coen. I understand
she was Duchovny's preference for the Scully part in TXF. If she'd
landed that, her career might not need a boost these days.
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
Oh yeah. I think I heard something. When did they divorce? (Don't tell
me... she had an affair with a carpenter!)
Post by Tulgey Wood
And she might, if their divorce were amicable, and if she
isn't bitter that he took-the-best-years-of-my-life-yada-yada, or if
she doesn't harbor any other of a multitude of venomous hard feelings.
What a rosey picture! <lol> But yes.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
O'Reilly intimated the same thing when she was on with Ilene
a few episodes into this season. When he said she hasn't done much
since Flashdance and implied this high-profile controversial series
would put her back to work, she said that she had done dozens of films
(she might have even said a hundred -- I can't remember her exact
wording but the impression it left with me was like a hundred films)
Not bad. Close to 50. (And yes, they should have them all.)
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
since Flashdance but that they were smaller films, and that she'd been
working right along and was very happy her career. I suppose when
you're an actor with the bulk of them being out of work at any given
time, if she's acted all along, she considers herself lucky.
So right. People who aren't actors or who aren't associated with the
entertainment industry usually assume that an actor's career is a
failure unless s/he is dazzlingly famous and appears in successful
mainstream films or in hit television series and such. It's likely that
the majority of SAG members consider themselves successful if they have
steady work throughout.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Even if the films are coming from her not-so-brilliantly-successful,
but still-steady-working indy husband.
Actually, I was speaking to your comment above: "I just hope having her
back in the spotlight again will do great things for her career. That
other, better opportunities will follow after L-Word goes kaputzoid."
IOW, I assumed you meant because she'd been out of the spotlight that
her career needed great things done for it. Sorry for the
My fault. I just meant that I think her talent has been wasted in
small films. That she deserves to get higher profile work imo. And
that now that she has been in the spotlight again, she might get
better offers.
Post by Tulgey Wood
BTW, by O'Reilly you don't mean that tragic arsehole on Fox?
Yes. I was on the message board that evening and someone said Beals
and Chaiken were about to be on O'R, so I turned it on.
Post by Tulgey Wood
But then,
who else would it be? Why were JB and Ilene Whatsis on his program?
B/c no publicity is bad publicity? <g> I think they know that for all
the conservatives who watch O', his demographic is likely mostly
30-60yr old conservatove men, and most of those might want to see
lesbians. <lol> Even if they don't admit it.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Had he focussed his usual homophobic dross on TLW and had they appeared
on his program to challenge it? <snort>
Half-heartedly. They were on for the last segment which was only a few
minutes long. He was typically irritating wasting time asking JB how
she could possibly do a love scene, then wasted her answer-time by
saying there's no way he could do a love scene with another man. JB
said she realized she knows how to love another person, and that's all
she needed to do. And that doing a love scene with a woman is actually
easier because women are more sensitive to what you might want them to
do in the scene... like, "can you please keep one hand over here b/c I
don't like that part of my body" [cover cellulite whatever]. Then he
asked Chaiken what her "agenda" was... and he insulted JB by saying
she hasn't done anything since Flashdance [basically] and implied she
was doing this b/c it was so 'shocking' that it was a way to get back
in the spotlight. But she countered that by saying that she's been
working all along and is very happy with her career... but one good
thing was that O'R tried to say that he'd seen the show once or twice,
as if b/c he had to b/c of this interview, then he couldn't bring
himself to lie and admitted he watches it! He said, "Aw, you know us
guys. We have a curiosity about lesbians. What can I say?" or
something akin to that. He was BUSTed. Then he said good luck or
whatever. He never crossed the line to hostile. Just cluelessly rude
in his own highly irritating way.
Post by Tulgey Wood
One of these days people will
get a clue and stop validating that idiot's toxic world view by refusing
to appear on his program.
Long as he has a show, people will want to be on it.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. (I'm sure a few recognized her from
Legends of the Fall [played Brad Pitts wife] and other small roles,
but for the most part...) However she completely mesmerized them in
the opening ep's where she swept Jenny off her feet. Some people (a
lot of people) think she's all-that-and-a-bag-o-chips.
LOL! Well, granted, she *is* a beautiful woman, but she's done nothing
for me in the context of this show.
See, I don't think she's beautiful. To me she's odd looking. She looks
attractive in certain shots at certain angles but I just don't see
what others see in her. If they gave her a good personality though, I
might see her differently.
Post by Tulgey Wood
[...] Marina *is* all over the place. To compensate
for the spastic writing, a more experienced actor might have pulled the
character together a bit more than KL was able to do.
Methinks so too.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
The idea of a cast member with a Euro-feel provides a nice contrast
from the rest of the cast who are all very L.A.
Blasphemy! ;-P But yes, I do occasionally enjoy Euro trash cinema...
Post by l***@large
So I hope they doi bring her back. I just hope they decide WTF they're
doing with her and let her be a real person of *some* type.
...though I really can't stand Marina. If she were a bit less mercenary
and managed to show even a smidge of regard for someone other than
herself, then I might warm to her. But as she is now, I won't be
disappointed if she doesn't make the cut for S2.
Well then someone must buy The Planet.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually lesbians,
they should be excommunicated.
ROTF!! Hand Ilene her papers. She purports to be a lesbian in a LTR.
As for the other 2 creators, Rose and Guin, they did GoFish, which
So everyone says. I was warned off in time to miss it on purpose. :-)
But too late for L-Word! ;)
Too late for The L-Word, but I'm glad to have had the opportunity to dis
it with such fine company. :-D

I'm going to write a post about last night's season ender if no one
beats me to it. (Feel free to beat me to it, anyone.) But I won't have
time until later. Wolf and I both liked it better than we might have
considering the rest of the season and accepting what they've given us
as what they've given us regardless of how poorly it might have been
setup to now, or how dumb it continues to be. (The Kit thing is really
... oh I have to leave it. Too much to say.)

Tulgey Wood
2004-04-14 04:27:34 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Regarding Beals's career--it seems to have been derailed in great
part by her marriage to an indie filmmaker--apparently he cast her
in several of his films, and he weren't no Joel Coen. I understand
she was Duchovny's preference for the Scully part in TXF. If she'd
landed that, her career might not need a boost these days.
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
Oh yeah. I think I heard something. When did they divorce?
According to IMDb, 1996. Then she "jumped" back into it again two years
later with someone different. (Some people *never* learn.) :-D
Post by l***@large
(Don't tell me... she had an affair with a carpenter!)
LOL!! Nah, the pool guy. ;-D


[re O'Reilly, the tragic arsehole on Fox:]
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Why were JB and Ilene Whatsis on his program?
B/c no publicity is bad publicity? <g>
O'Reilly publicity is worse publicity.
Post by l***@large
I think they know that for all the conservatives who watch O', his
demographic is likely mostly 30-60yr old conservatove men, and most
of those might want to see lesbians. <lol> Even if they don't admit
Just the audience most of the S1 eps seemed to pander to.
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Had he focussed his usual homophobic dross on TLW and had they appeared
on his program to challenge it? <snort>
Half-heartedly. They were on for the last segment which was only a few
minutes long. He was typically irritating wasting time asking JB how
she could possibly do a love scene, then wasted her answer-time by
saying there's no way he could do a love scene with another man. JB
said she realized she knows how to love another person, and that's all
she needed to do. And that doing a love scene with a woman is actually
easier because women are more sensitive to what you might want them to
do in the scene... like, "can you please keep one hand over here b/c I
don't like that part of my body" [cover cellulite whatever]. Then he
asked Chaiken what her "agenda" was... and he insulted JB by saying
she hasn't done anything since Flashdance [basically] and implied she
was doing this b/c it was so 'shocking' that it was a way to get back
in the spotlight.
How bloody rude.
Post by l***@large
But she countered that by saying that she's been
working all along and is very happy with her career...
She's a class act, but he ain't. I can't believe they belong to the
same species. Oh, wait...they don't. He's some sort of mutated baboon
(with apologies to baboons, of course).
Post by l***@large
but one good thing was that O'R tried to say that he'd seen the show
once or twice, as if b/c he had to b/c of this interview, then he
couldn't bring himself to lie and admitted he watches it! He said,
"Aw, you know us guys. We have a curiosity about lesbians. What can I
say?" or something akin to that. He was BUSTed.
Correction: mutated baboon *pervert*.
Post by l***@large
Then he said good luck or whatever. He never crossed the line to
hostile. Just cluelessly rude in his own highly irritating way.
Well, sorry you had to see that, matey. Did you have a nice, hot shower
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
One of these days people will get a clue and stop validating that
idiot's toxic world view by refusing to appear on his program.
Long as he has a show, people will want to be on it.
Not this people. Aside from O'Reilly causing me aggro, there's all that
crying and vomiting to deal with. ;-D
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. (I'm sure a few recognized her from
Legends of the Fall [played Brad Pitts wife] and other small roles,
but for the most part...) However she completely mesmerized them in
the opening ep's where she swept Jenny off her feet. Some people (a
lot of people) think she's all-that-and-a-bag-o-chips.
LOL! Well, granted, she *is* a beautiful woman, but she's done nothing
for me in the context of this show.
See, I don't think she's beautiful. To me she's odd looking. She looks
attractive in certain shots at certain angles but I just don't see
what others see in her.
Perhaaaps eet ees hur [overdone] ewwwro-ahkscented eengleesh zhat seends
zeem eento horbit? IAC, there is an affected Loren/Rossellini
sultriness about her (that quite misses the mark, IMO).
Post by l***@large
If they gave her a good personality though, I might see her
Personality *can* make all the difference.

Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
So I hope they doi bring her back. I just hope they decide WTF they're
doing with her and let her be a real person of *some* type.
...though I really can't stand Marina. If she were a bit less mercenary
and managed to show even a smidge of regard for someone other than
herself, then I might warm to her. But as she is now, I won't be
disappointed if she doesn't make the cut for S2.
Well then someone must buy The Planet.
Jenny. She puts a nickel in a jar every time she has sex with a
different person, and by the time S2 rolls around, she has enough funds
to buy not only The Planet, but The Solar System, as well.
2004-04-14 18:39:49 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
Oh yeah. I think I heard something. When did they divorce?
According to IMDb, 1996. Then she "jumped" back into it again two years
later with someone different. (Some people *never* learn.) :-D
That's why I forgot. She remarried. :)
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. [...]
Perhaaaps eet ees hur [overdone] ewwwro-ahkscented eengleesh zhat seends
zeem eento horbit? IAC, there is an affected Loren/Rossellini
sultriness about her (that quite misses the mark, IMO).
Well put.
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
If they gave her a good personality though, I might see her
Personality *can* make all the difference.
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
...though I really can't stand Marina. If she were a bit less mercenary
and managed to show even a smidge of regard for someone other than
herself, then I might warm to her. But as she is now, I won't be
disappointed if she doesn't make the cut for S2.
Well then someone must buy The Planet.
Jenny. She puts a nickel in a jar every time she has sex with a
different person, and by the time S2 rolls around, she has enough funds
to buy not only The Planet, but The Solar System, as well.
[hands to face] "fuuuuuuuck!" <LOL>

I love the Jennmeister.

Chel Pompa
2004-04-15 02:22:56 UTC
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
I think she might argue the point if only out of deference to her
Oh yeah. I think I heard something. When did they divorce?
According to IMDb, 1996. Then she "jumped" back into it again two years
later with someone different. (Some people *never* learn.) :-D
That's why I forgot. She remarried. :)
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large
From what I can tell most L-Word fans never heard of Karina Lombard
until she showed up as Marina. [...]
Perhaaaps eet ees hur [overdone] ewwwro-ahkscented eengleesh zhat seends
zeem eento horbit? IAC, there is an affected Loren/Rossellini
sultriness about her (that quite misses the mark, IMO).
Well put.
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
If they gave her a good personality though, I might see her
Personality *can* make all the difference.
Post by l***@large
Post by l***@large
Post by Tulgey Wood
...though I really can't stand Marina. If she were a bit less mercenary
and managed to show even a smidge of regard for someone other than
herself, then I might warm to her. But as she is now, I won't be
disappointed if she doesn't make the cut for S2.
Well then someone must buy The Planet.
Jenny. She puts a nickel in a jar every time she has sex with a
different person, and by the time S2 rolls around, she has enough funds
to buy not only The Planet, but The Solar System, as well.
[hands to face] "fuuuuuuuck!" <LOL>
I love the Jennmeister.
let's start a jar for jen. wait... mine's full!!
2004-04-06 23:37:27 UTC
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
A tie with most of the other ep's... or... no, I'd say this is one of
the top three worst written.
IMO, this is the absolute worst. It definitely ranks as #1 of my picks
for the worst episodes of a series ever aired on television (XWP's
Married With Fishsticks is #2, and everything else is a nauseating
All that Bette CC interaction had a definite squirm factor on first
viewing and then on the repeat I could just look away while Bette
mated with the wallboard. I still think they are just way over-board
on setting up storylines ... it's like they are sacraficing quality
for quantity.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
There is zero reason for Bette to be head over heels over CC. And
suddenly Tina is out in the world with a million things going on and not
one word has been breathed about any of it to Bette until that morning?
(Yeah, I know Bette is a workaholic but please. There would be *some*
[off camera] conversation. They DO live and sleep together.)
So stupid. And as if. As if.... As if Bette is completely unaware
that quite a bit of the time she puts her work before her
Post by Tulgey Wood
How far is this woman going to devolve? This week her brains are have
dropped into her crotch, and she goes about totally out of control,
pelvis first, without thought of anything else. The only rational
explanation is that she's having testosterone injections in advance of a
sex change.
They must be getting the testosterone from horney male rabbits.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And here Bette has a billion protesters outside, is beside herself with
stress, but nearly kisses CC again one second later when CC goes to show
her something that Bette doesn't even need to see right then and would
not have bothered with under the circumstances. Then when they're caught
by Bette's sec, CC comes up with a plan for linking arms. That may work
at an abortion clinic, a tree-saving protest, or a street riot, but it's
hardly a plan an art museum director would agree to!
Since when do museum directors deal directly with carpenters? In the
first place, the carpenter wouldn't be the display designer. And in the
second place, the carpenter would deal with a director's assistant, not
the director. If the carpenter wants something brought to the
director's attention, she takes it to the assistant and the
Post by Tulgey Wood
takes it to the director.
Post by l***@large.com
Bette is then humiliated by being thrown in a pokey wagon but the second
she sees CC lust overcomes her and she only has eyes for Jesus. I mean
CC. (Alice *was* funny here, flirting with the Xian lady to upset her.)
That was the only time I laughed during the ep. Most of the time I was
wincing or cringing or retching or saying WTF? But thank you,
Post by Tulgey Wood
for the comic relief. (Notice the fundie flirtee is wearing *pink*.
What is it with this lot and pink-bloused fascists?)
Post by l***@large.com
The other funny scene was when they were making their 'one phone
call'... but it was the same device as the therapy session where they
went around showing what each person was thinking. More
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
without sufficient time between ep's to have it fresh!
It went by so fast, I barely noticed it. Now, given the ep's
Post by Tulgey Wood
crappiness, I wonder why they even bothered to write that scene. =O
On the second viewing I had time enough away from cringing to notice
and enjoy the line-up at the pay phones. Can't believe Alice would
call her Mom ... seems more likely that she'd be the one bailing Mom
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Then they get thrown in jail and while the female cop wears Bette's
sunglasses <?WTF?>
Prison matron showing she has the powah. But it's not until Pam Grier
shows up at the jail that I have a sudden flash of '70s déjà vu and
realize I'm watching a remake of Black Mama, White Mama.
Post by l***@large.com
Bette asks the question as to why she and CC are
[conveniently] separated from the rest of the protesters. The
they separate the ringleaders. D'oh!!! This show gives me
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And not in a good way.
How else to get Bette and Carpenter Candy into a cell alone so they can
play pretend fucksies?
Post by l***@large.com
So they get in the cell. Bette is in this terrific mess. Her artist got
arrested. Her show is getting fnarked. Art is arriving by the
minute and
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
she isn't there to get it inside... **and she's playing ABC and math
games?!** This scene was so hard so watch... we were wincing,
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
covering our eyes and grabbing our heads. I actually felt sorry for
Jennifer Beals.
God, yes. I was *embarrassed* for her.
I was so glad she finally turned her face away ... I was about to jump
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
I've said it before and I'll say it again... I cannot
believe these people got so far as to get this show on the air, and then
this is what they wrote.
I can. The story and characterizations don't need to make sense because
the series is little more than wanking material for straight men.
Post by l***@large.com
What a monumental waste. (Not that it isn't
doing *any* good to have it on the air
After this ep, I can think of only one thing it's good for.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
but Jesus Christ this was such an
opportunity!) I won't even go into Bette screwing the drywall. This was
supposed to be hot. Instead it was just so so so so so so dumb. Yes,
theoretically having two people try *not* to make it by
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
feet away from each other could be *very* hot. But it has to have a
believable context to be hot. It has to be applied to the two right
people at the right time under the right circumstances. These were the
wrong people (no setup or reason for their attraction), the wrong
circumstances (that weak excuse of separating the ring leaders was so
transparent), and it was the wrong time (Bette would NOT be
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
about sex)!. Alpha-Bette would *never* have been hung up on her
attraction **in that moment**. If anything the arrest would have been a
huge knock to the head to tell her how stupid she's been and how out of
hand everything in her life has gotten.
Too right. :-(
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
Wha...we do???
Yeah, that kicking the cat off the bed was sure to be foreshadowing
Post by Tulgey Wood
Do we also know that Dana is going to kill Tanya, International Fucktard
of the Century?
Good god. It's bloody Dana's fault for dragging that beotch home in the
first place. Alarms should have gone off all over the place when Tanya
starting dissing cats right off the bat. And to leave a cat with
thyroid to be medicated by a cretinous halfwit who dislikes cats?
Post by Tulgey Wood
needs an arse-kicking, as well. At *least*.
Dana is the most immature of the bunch IMO and by the way, how do you
get to be a big tennis star if you never go play at tournaments?
Post by Tulgey Wood
(If anyone even *looked* at my cat with anything less than complete
adoration, I'd rip off their head and toss it into the street to be
crushed into mush under the wheels of taxicabs.)
At the least.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And how is it that Dana, Alice and Shane can all boogey down to the art
museum at the drop of a hat when Bette needs them?
*And* dressed for arrest. They looked stinky and grunged out when they
arrived on scene. How thoughtful of them.
Post by l***@large.com
And Shane waits for Arquette when she KNOWS how lame that is better than
anyone??? The Shane I know would have called Cheri, said she got sprung,
and if she (Shane) wanted to see Cheri would have asked when they could
get together. Shane does not play passive/aggressive. WTF was that? WHO
the fuck was that? Sitting there like a dope until 3am? That
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
sympathy all right but not for Shane... maybe for the writer. (And I
missed who wrote this one.)
No kidding. Suddenly, she's homeless. Or suddenly, she can't wait with
her friends, or at a table at The Planet. Or even in her car
Post by Tulgey Wood
Cheri's house, which is only just as pathetic as waiting at the jail,
but not quite as pointless? Hello? Why are you waiting at the jail,
boobiot? Lame doesn't begin to describe *that* scenario.
Lame, yes ... but no lamer than the whole ep. which is only a sum of
it's many lame-o parts.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Then we have Marina... who although (imo) did a good enough job of
acting this time,
I don't like her. :-P
Post by l***@large.com
had to woo someone who looked like the last person on
the face of the earth she'd be attracted to. A circus act???
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
maybe, for a quick fling.) But I thought Marina wanted someone who was
going to stay home and build a life with her. Lay down roots. A mature
woman. A stable woman. Maybe a woman with an income... and she just
happens to be the same person Jenny is dating. Riiiiight.
She overheard Shane and Alice notice Robin in the audience. Alice said
to Shane (or Shane said to Alice--I don't recall and no way am I
watching that disaster again to see who said what) something like,
"isn't that the woman Jenny has a date with?" She's trying to
Post by Tulgey Wood
the Jennster. Or stop her dating. Or something. Actually, just what
the hell she's trying to do is anyone's guess, but whatever it is, it's
underhanded and mean.
My guess is that she is going to try and show Jenny how uncouth Circus
Girl is, especially in comparison with Marina's magnificent self ...
that woman will have to do something really big bad for me to not take
sides with her ... Marina is the one I want to know more about.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And now Jenny
will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book Marina brought up to
Jenny the night they met.
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making poodle noises
outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg it back to
Italy never to be heard from again.
Ooh, I hope not.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
When they cut to Jenny, btw, Wolf said this episode was so bad it
actually made Jenny look sane.
Sane, as in *not* a fuckwit? I disagree. :-P
Post by l***@large.com
Even talking to manatees.
Nothing wrong with talking to manatees...unless they're not
Post by Tulgey Wood
but whales (if nothing else, the blow hole should have been a dead
giveaway), and even then, mistaking a whale for a manatee means you're a
fuckwit, not insane, necessarily.
On second viewing it wasn't that Jenny didn't know those were whales
..she said she would rather be talking to manatees .. she just didn't
have access to the manatees.
Jenny is still so ... what's the word for always being inappropriate
in any given situation? ..
I get tired of waiting for her to do something right.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And she was right!
Welllll...okay. (But only because I unnecessarily gave her the irrits
over the Indigo Girls thing.) ;-)
Post by l***@large.com
Jenny was the *sane* one in this episode. What does that tell you?
But speaking of Jenny... (looks like she cleaned her diggs up a bit)...
here we have this rather low-key date with Trappy... going along quite
well... nothing out of the ordinary. A little talk. Getting to know each
other. All fine. She gathers her stuff to go and I expected a hug inside
the door. When they didn't hug goodbye I thought, "Hm. Oh well. Guess
they're playing it slow since they both have other dates lined up and
all...." Then the door opens so that all of Eric's friends can see, and
they lay into each other like they've spent the last three months doing
So true. But nutter Jenny lunged for Robin, and I reckon 99% of it was
the ever-manipulative Jenny displaying for the benefit of Tim and his
disgusting friends (since when did Tim start hanging with raunchoid
fratty boys?).
Post by l***@large.com
More hairballs! Are these women
exhibitionists? I guess being in a circus... and Jenny?... More WTF's.
It's a porn show, I tell ya, and if any of TPTB are actually
Post by Tulgey Wood
they should be excommunicated.
Or at least give back the toaster.
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
So Tim walks out disgusted. Then later on the porch when everyone's gone
he apologizes to her. For what??
For picking up fratty boys and bringing them home to get off on his
wife's date with a lesbian, of course.
Post by l***@large.com
He let her use his kitchen. He's
letting her rent out the shed. She threw something in his face and the
writer has *him* apologize? Then Jenny's response was, "It was too
soon." Yeah, too soon for you to kiss her that way at all, judging by
the way the evening went with her! Then they talked more but our signal
did a weird split/fart thing and we saw coming attractions play across
the bottom of the screen all weirded out and the top was the real time
scene, but we couldn't make heads or tails of either. When it
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
Jenny was telling Tim he was a good man. (Oh yeah, and he also asked if
he was inadequate. I suddenly felt I'd wandered into the wrong
classroom: Pat Answers for Str8 Men 101.)
Call me a hippie, but unless they're trying for a pity fuck, since when
do men confess feelings of inadequacy to women?
Since never, but to have him say that sort of matches up with the rest
of the WTF moments in the episode. I thought Jenny was saying it was
too soon ...meaning that it was too soon to have Tim see her with
another date .. which is also bogus. He brings home swim team member,
he already walked in on her and a "date", etc. so too soon is really
a non-sequitur.
2004-04-07 01:24:59 UTC
Post by AJ
They must be getting the testosterone from horney male rabbits.
Hey, let's leave cute little defenseless, furry, adorable wabbits
outathis! :) They are only Mr. Piddleseses with longer ears.
Post by AJ
On the second viewing I had time enough away from cringing to notice
and enjoy the line-up at the pay phones. Can't believe Alice would
call her Mom ... seems more likely that she'd be the one bailing Mom
Let's just be thankful she didn't call Lisaman.
Post by AJ
Post by Tulgey Wood
Post by l***@large.com
And we already know Tanya is going to kill Meester Piddles,
International Cat of Meestery. Which really pisses me off...
Wha...we do???
Yeah, that kicking the cat off the bed was sure to be foreshadowing
Post by AJ
Dana is the most immature of the bunch IMO and by the way, how do you
get to be a big tennis star if you never go play at tournaments?
Or practice or train. In the first few eps they at least did that
much... now that she got her sponsership (i.e. now that they tied up
that storyline and Lara's) she doesn't do anything anymore and never
goes to the country club either [where she used to spend a lot of time].
They just drop a character's context when they're through using it
...until they need it again. They need to maintain the characters' lives
between arcs by at least having a throw-to once in awhile to create the
illusuion that these are real people with real lives!
Post by AJ
Re: Marina
My guess is that she is going to try and show Jenny how uncouth Circus
Girl is, especially in comparison with Marina's magnificent self ...
that woman will have to do something really big bad for me to not take
sides with her ... Marina is the one I want to know more about.
LOL. You and Wolf both like her. It's beyooooond me!
Post by AJ
On second viewing it wasn't that Jenny didn't know those were whales
..she said she would rather be talking to manatees .. she just didn't
have access to the manatees.
Ohh. I thought when she said she'd rather be talking to manatees she
meant instead of people. Not instead of the whales. But you watched it
twice. I'll take your word on it. I ain't watching it again!

Tulgey Wood
2004-04-09 03:48:25 UTC
Post by AJ
All that Bette CC interaction had a definite squirm factor on first
viewing and then on the repeat I could just look away while Bette
mated with the wallboard. I still think they are just way over-board
on setting up storylines ... it's like they are sacraficing quality
for quantity.
Yeah, a quantity of garbage.

Post by AJ
How far is this woman going to devolve? This week her brains have
dropped into her crotch, and she goes about totally out of control,
pelvis first, without thought of anything else. The only rational
explanation is that she's having testosterone injections in advance
of a sex change.
They must be getting the testosterone from horney male rabbits.
LOL!! Or from little dogs who hump people's legs.

Post by AJ
On the second viewing I had time enough away from cringing to notice
and enjoy the line-up at the pay phones. Can't believe Alice would
call her Mom ... seems more likely that she'd be the one bailing Mom
True, but since all of her friends were in jail, her mum was it. Mind
you, I thought her mum was practically broke, so where'd she get the
bond funds? And who bailed Shane?

Post by AJ
And now Jenny will find the book Marina gave to Trappy. The book
Marina brought up to Jenny the night they met.
She's a conniving wench and her hair is in bad need of a couple of
shampoos. IAC, I really do not like her. If we're lucky Tanya will
stalk her, and frighten her so completely senseless making poodle
noises outside her window in the middle of the night that she'll leg
it back to Italy never to be heard from again.
Ooh, I hope not.
Well, if we must have her around, she might at least grow up and stop
acting like such a great wussa. If she's so worldly, that petulant brat
act won't cut it.

Post by AJ
I thought Jenny was saying it was
too soon ...meaning that it was too soon to have Tim see her with
another date .. which is also bogus. He brings home swim team member,
he already walked in on her and a "date", etc. so too soon is really
a non-sequitur.
If that's what she meant, it was definitely bogus. It may have been yet
another of those throwaway lines that wasn't.